(If it helps I was listening to Dimension - Arcade Fire while writing this chapter.)
Monday, 9th of October.
"Sakura-chan, can I come in?"
"Come in, Naruto."
Sasuke heard the door and he instantly felt the presence of his friend.
"Where are you?"
"In the kitchen."
He lifted his head up to see Naruto walking in.
"Why are you two on the floor?"
"She fell and started crying so..."
"Mh. What the hell happened in here? Why is the place completely empty?"
"She believed that the place was dirty and the furniture were making it hard for her to clean."
He saw the blonde sit down in front of them. Sasuke was still holding Sakura onto his chest, his legs surrounding her. She had fallen asleep at least an hour ago but he didn't know what to do so he just stayed on the floor. Naruto looked at him for a minute before he tarted speaking.
"It's funny you know. The two of us are considered the most powerful Shinobi on the planet. Nothing is really a threat to us and we can fight anything but this... this is terrifying. I don't know how to handle something like this." Sasuke nodded, silently agreeing with his friend. "Here, take this. I went to see Tsunade straight after you told me about Yukata. She told me that she was having a nervous breakdown. Apparently it happens when people have too many emotions built up inside."
"Can people heal from that?"
"Tsunade told me yes. She said that Sakura needed a lot of rest and she needed to see someone."
"A lot of rest... is that what she said?" he felt suspicious of something wanted to double check.
"Yeah, what about it?" Sasuke focused the chakra into his hand. The green glow emanated from it straight away. He moved it up and down her body until he realised something. "Since when can you do medical jutsu?"
"Sakura taught me. There is something disturbing her chakra. I'm not trained enough to tell you what it is, but she took something."
"Some kind of drugs?"
"That would explain why she was obsessed with cleaning everything."
"Hn." Sasuke replayed the moment when he had walked into her apartment in his mind. Her frantic movements, her tears, her voice,... everything had been scary.
"What are you gonna do now?"
"I don't know. She isn't wearing the Uchiha crest on her back. I don't know if it means that she was serious about our marriage."
"Dude, no offence to you but... one, you messed up, two, she was convinced that her place was messy to the point where she emptied it. I don't think she meant anything she said. Not even what she said to you earlier in front of the gates."
"You heard that?"
"I did. You're not all these things she said. You didn't use her to revive your clan either. She knows it deep down. I know you and I know that you're gonna make yourself go insane thinking about what she said to you but don't. She loves you, possibly too much for her own good."

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfic(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...