I'm sorry for hurting you

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Wednesday, 16th of September.  

Sasuke heard the scream coming from his daughter's bedroom as soon as he approached the house. He ran into her room and found Sakura trying to nurse her in her arms.

"What is happening?" he asked with a bit of worry. 

"Nothing. She's just moody today. She kept crying every ten minutes."

His baby was red from crying and her eyes were all swollen. He felt completely powerless as he watched Sakura whispering to her. Things only got worse and her scream alerted his mind that his daughter needed help.

She was sobbing, her nose dripping everywhere around her mouth.

"Dada." she said between two sobs as she rubbed one of her eye with her fist. Sakura looked at him and handed him his daughter.

"Try something because I can't calm her down and she's driving me insane today."

He took her and held her against his chest. Instantly she niched her head in his neck and cried against him. He watched as his wife left the room and he sat on the chair next to her crib.

"What is going on with you?" he whispered calmly. "Do you want your cat that mom bought you?" he felt her little head shake against his neck. "Are you hungry?" he got the same result. "What do you want?"

"I wan' mama."

He pulled her slightly away from him so he could look at her. "But you said you wanted to be with me."

She nodded and moved her face back to the crook of his neck."Dada." he felt her tears running on his chest so he put his cheek against her forehead hoping that his presence will calm her down.

"I am here."

His thumb caressed her back gently while he waited for her to stop crying. She eventually did and her screaming stopped instantly.

"I love you Dada." her voice sounded tired from all the tears and the screaming. 

She was mumbling her words and she still struggled to articulate but he was starting to be able to translate what she was saying and as soon as he did, his heart exploded in his chest.

"I love you too." he whispered so quietly that he wasn't sure if she had heard him. He was scared to make a move or to even breathe. His baby was finally asleep and at peace.

A few minutes later, he saw his wife's head pop at the door.

"Is she asleep?" she mouthed.

He nodded and she let out a sigh. "Dinner is ready."

He put Sarada in her bed gently and caressed her cheek with a small smile. When she needed someone she asked for him and that meant a lot to him. Even if he was his father, he was still doubting that she loved him as much as she loved her mother. But she just proved him that she loved him just as much. 

Today there were two people who needed him when they were at their lowest and these two people were his family.

After giving her another small smile, he left the room.

Sakura was already waiting for him to sit at the table when he entered. He sat in front of her and started to eat.

"I swear I never thought that it would be this hard to have a child. Imagine if we get a second one."

"What do you mean?" he glanced at her with fear in his eyes. 

"Well not all the seeds you've planted have grown."

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