Maybe next time

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Monday, 25th of September.

"Sit down here." She watched him sit on the grass. She sat in front of him. "Alright so yesterday you had to do something while we were getting married. It's something that I wanted to do too but couldn't. So I was thinking of the right moment to do it and I think this is it." He arched his eyebrow asking Sakura to keep going. "You had to say your vows but I didn't. I have something to say too! So ready?"


"Alright so listen, as your wife, I vow to make sure that you are always happy. I will make sure that you always have a home to go back to, somewhere where you can rest and be happy. I promise to heal you and help you whenever you need me to. I will be by your side no matter what life throws at you. I will do my best to create memories that you can cherish and think of while you are away. By marrying me, you made me the happiest person and I want you to feel this way too. I don't really know what else to say but I love you Sasuke!" She had a feeling that he wasn't going to reply to all of that but she, at least, expected him to have a reaction but instead he simply looked away from her. "Sasuke?"


"You're just not gonna reply to me?"

His eyes moved up to meet hers. His stare on her face made her blush and the memories from the previous night flooded her brain. She looked away from him. "I don't know what to reply."

Last night he had been so much more open, he had let his walls down and showed himself to her, but today things were back to how they were before. She swallowed her slight disappointment and tried to change the subject. She attempted to start a light hearted conversation but the only thing that she could think of was last night. She decided to ask him the question that came coming back to her.

"If you don't have anything to say, can I ask you a question?"


"It's about last night." she saw the tiny red appearing on his cheeks. "Why did you activate your sharingan?"

"I didn't."

"Yes, you did. Just before I told you that I wanted to... sit... your eyes were red."

He stayed silent for a minute. "I didn't, at least not intentionally."

"It disappeared after... you know... we lay down." she struggled to find her words and was shyly looking away at him. He was simply avoiding her.

"I didn't put you under a genjutsu if that's what you think." she raised her eyebrows. "I wouldn't do that."

"I didn't think you did, I just wondered why it appeared. That's all. What's going on with you?"


"Ok, I give up. You'll talk to me when you'll feel like it." she stood up and left him sitting on the grass. "I'm going shopping, I'll see you tonight."

She wiped a tear off her face. Why was he acting so weird. Was it because of last night? Was it because of her?


Sasuke watched her walk away from him. He wanted to stop her and apologise. His mood wasn't her fault, it was his. He had no idea how to say it to her out loud because he didn't know how to voice what he was feeling inside.

Her vows had touched him, it touched him so much that nothing he could say was going to match what she said. She was offering him everything he wanted and he had nothing to give to her in return. Nothing but travels and a child.

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