Me or no one else?

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Sasuke really needed to go to the bathroom but Sakura was still completely laying on him. He had no idea how long it had been since she had fallen asleep but he knew that he had stayed up, his hand tangled in her hair thinking about what had just happened. He was so ashamed of himself and his words that he was dreading the moment when she will wake up to look at him with her pretty green eyes still tired from her night. Now that he was replaying everything in his mind, he found himself disgusting and couldn't understand how she even wanted to cuddle with him after that. Of course he loved having intimate relationships with her and the fact that they were rare made them even better but he couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. What was she thinking of him of him after this? Was she disgusted? She should be.

The discomfort in his bladder made him move a bit away from her. Realizing that she wasn't waking up, he moved away and stood up to empty his it. He walked outside as quietly as he could and closed the door behind him. He moved behind the tower and released himself with a sigh of satisfaction. He saw the sun rising. So there was a day/night system here as well. The lighting was very odd. The sky, usually green, turned purple and the tiny mountains were looking orange instead of their usual reddish colour. It was oddly beautiful. Sakura has to see that.

He walked back to the door to wake her up when something caught his attention. When he looked up he saw the green disc above the door. The number 400 was shining on it. Out all the times he had been in this dimension, he had never seen anything like that. The coloured disc was already there but not the number. As he was staring at it, he knocked on the door to wake his wife up forgetting the shame he was feeling.

"Sakura, come here."


"You need to see something."

He waited few seconds before the door opened. Without a look for her, he pointed at the numbers. She moved beside him and looked up.

"What's that?"

"I don't know. I've never seen this."

The sun was moving higher into the sky and the number started to fade before their eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, that's weird. Did you see if all the other towers rect the same?"she asked.

"No, but I did realise that each tower had a different colour but they repeat themselves."

"What do you mean?"

"The colours that appear are red, green, yellow and blue."

"Is there a pattern?"

"Not that I have seen. It seemed pretty random to me."

"We need to have a general view of the dimension. How big is it?"

"Not very big. You could walk across it in one day."

"And towers, just like this one, are scattered around the dimension, right?"


"And all of them have a colour on them?"


"Then that means all of them must have a number on them. These numbers have to mean something."

"That's what I thought. I didn't see a castle in this dimension when I travelled through it. Maybe these numbers have something to do with this."

"Yeah, well... so far we know that the number appears when the sun rises. We need to know where all of the towers are and the colour on them before the sun rises again."

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