You are part of my heritage now

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Sunday, 24th of September.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm about to pass out and nauseous."

Chibe laughed. "Yes that is the stress. All the brides have that if they know that they are getting married to the right person. It is a good sign. Sit down here, my friend will do your hair and makeup."

Sakura sat down at the back of the shop. Shortly after, a woman walked in with a huge bag. She approached her happily.

"Oh, the bride is pretty already. I am gonna like my work today. Ok, so we need to accentuate your beautiful eyes. I'm thinking of a bit of colour on the lid and darken the natural shape. We make your eyelashes longer too. For the lips, I can see a lovely shade of pinkish red. Light obviously. A bit of pink on your cheeks and some lipgloss. You'll be all ready to go."

"That much makeup?"

"You never wear makeup?"

"Not really..."

"So the future husband has never seen you with makeup? That's even more exiting!"

"I put some lipgloss on her once." interrupted Ino. "That's as far as it got."

The woman laugh with a belly laugh. "Well, let me tell you, he will want to tear this dress off you when he'll see you."

"Oh, we're going with the kimono." Sakura looked down at her hands embarrassed.

"Same thing. Alrighty let's get to work."

She activated around Sakura. She felt the brushes against her skin.

"Do you ever put cream on your face?"

"Mh... no I-"

"Why not? Your texture is great, you should take care of it before you get wrinkly like me."

"I'm a ninja. I am always on missions and all."

"That's not an excuse young lady."

"See Sakura, I told you that taking care of you a little bit more wouldn't hurt you. You used to take so much care of you hair, what happened?"

"I was weak. Don't judge, I'm trying to grow my hair again."

"Yeah long hair would frame your face very well." Chibe's friend put down a brush. "Alright. I'm all done with your face. Hair time!"

"Oh miss, I got this for her." Ino handed her the hairpiece.

"You made that yourself?"

"Yes... my family owns a flower shop..."

"That's absolutely gorgeous. Sit still." Sakura felt her hair being tied up and moved around the place. The length of it went past her shoulders so it gave her a bit more freedom to style it. The rule was to keep it down because it was how Sasuke liked it. "So I did a little half up, half down so we can see your face a bit better. Is the pink your natural colour?" Sakura nodded intimidated. "I love it, I've never seen hair like that. Go put on that kimono!"

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