Monday, 25th of September."So... tell us everything..." Ino was moving her eyebrows at her friend.
"It's done. Why are you guys still here?"
"Did he like the outfit?"
"Ino, stop with the questions. I won't give you any details."
"Because it's extremely private. Although I have one question for you." Sakura looked at Hinata. "Sorry it won't take long." she looked back at the blonde. "Alright something is itching me. I tried to make it better today but it didn't work. How do I make it happen?"
"You basically wanna have sex with him again?"
"I get it. Last night wasn't enough. That's what a honeymoon's for. Right, so what did you do to try to get him to understand the message?"
"See, he understood it. He just messed around with me acting like he didn't but now I'm stuck in this position."
"When I want Naruto to understand it, I just ask him." Sakura looked at Hinata. Did she hear her right? Did Hinata actually take part in this conversation? After the wave of shock passed she answered.
"See I would, but me and Sasuke have a tendency to tease each other. If I simply ask him, he'd do what he did today."
"And how did you manage last night?"
"I... touched his chest."
"You what? That's all it took? Wow, he must be really into you then. Well, do the same thing but act all innocent so he doesn't think that you're doing it on purpose. If it worked last night, it'll work again. Be smarter than him. Now he expects you to state it out loud."
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"Nah, you're freshly married. It makes sense. It'll calm down eventually."
"Yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts."
Sakura wondered about what Ino had just said to her. Was that the reason why since last night she always wanted to kiss him or run her hands over his body? So it was a normal thing to think of? Did he think the same way? Was he feeling the same way she was?
"Hey, still thinking about it?"
"I feel dirty for being this way."
"You shouldn't. You know when you buy something new you're obsessed with it for a while and then you just use it once in a while. It's kind of the same here. Then again, we all have our own needs so it depends on everyone. Did you not study what it does to your brain? It's probably part of learning how to be a medic."
"Not really. I had to learn the male's anatomy but that's all. I never had to learn how it reacts and all."
"Basically doing it makes your brain release a chemical right? And it's like a drug. You can get addicted to it so it's actually very normal to think the way you do if that's the way your body works. I know some people don't have it but if you do it's fine. I don't know why people are so secretive about it."
"How do you know so much? You're not married to Sai."
"And? I read books on the subjects."
Sakura wanted to slap herself. She could've done the same. She could've just read about it so she wouldnt look stupid in front of him. She remembered asking him what the liquid was and still now she wanted to punch herself in the face over it.

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfiction(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...