Monday , 5th of October. Sarada is 27 weeks old so 14 weeks old in normal birth age.The festival was at its climax. The weather was hot and everyone was out having fun. Sakura had spent an entire week trying to get Sasuke to go to the festival with her and Sarada. Apparently, based on what she said, the argument that all of their friends would be there should've been enough to convince him but it really wasn't. What did she even mean by "our friend"? It's not like we have hundreds of them. I have two friends and a family.
No matter how hard he tried, he eventually found himself sitting at a table in front of a stage. Sakura had told him to wait a minute while she was going to get everyone. He looked at Sarada is despair. She looked back at him with a smile while she tried to grab her own foot.
"I don't want to be here either. Your mom is being annoying." the little baby replied by a weird noise and Sasuke understood that it was the end of their conversation. He looked back up and his eyes took a second to get accustomed to the distance. After a few seconds, he recognized Suto, from Tsuchigumo, from far away. Before he had time to look away and ignore her, she waved at him and walked to the table.
"Ah Sasuke! It's been a while. Can I sit?"
"No." she didn't listen and sat in front of him.
"How is Sakura? Are you two finally together?"
He stared at her with blank eyes. She rose an eyebrow and when Sarada made a noise, she finally understood.
"Oh no way! You have a child together? Things have changed since Tsuchigumo! How did you two end up together?"
"None of your business."
"Is she coming? Where is she?"
"None of your business."
"Look Sasuke, I'm sorry I put her in that genjutsu but in case you didn't know, I was under a genjutsu myself."
"I don't care. Now go."
"No, I want to talk to her."
"I don't want you to talk to her."
"You nearly killed her."
"You obviously haven't changed. Do you know how to socially interact with people." she asked.
"I do when I like the person I am talking to."
She rolled her eyes. "Then I'll wait in silence."
He stared at her with a murderous look on his face. She ignored him and stared at her nails. He wanted to punch her in the face.
"Hey! Sorry it took so lon- what the hell is she doing here?" Sakura's voice got angry towards the end.
"Knew it." Sasuke said while staring to Suto.
"Sakura... listen..."
"I don't want to see you here. Move away, you're using one of my friend's seat."
"You're being harsh. I wasn't in control." Suto was trying to laugh it off but Sasuke knew that this would just trigger Sakura.
"I don't care. I got to know a person who was under a genjutsu. I don't even know the real you."
"One more reason to get to know me?"
Naruto jumped in Sasuke's field of vision. "Hey say, who's that?" his finger was pointing at Suto.

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfiction(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...