—————It had been three nights already since he had fought with her which meant that they had been in this dimension for a week already based on the time here. This place was turning into Sasuke's personal nightmare. He needed the forest and the music of the birds again. He needed it more than ever but all he got was the stillness and the silence of this world.
He wondered what Sakura was doing and if she was alright. He was scared of going back considering the fact that she was the one who told him to go and she was extremely clear on the fact that she did not want to see him again. He did cry over it and he still wanted to. He couldn't understand what he did wrong.
The sun was setting down and he decided to summon his small hawk to write her a little note. Maybe they could talk through letters until the situation was resolved.
He anxiously waited and when he saw the bird coming back he felt sick from the stress. He couldn't see from where he was if the hawk was carrying a not or not.
The animal landed on the ground and Sasuke breathed again when he saw a piece of paper attached to it. He recalled the message he sent her "Can I come back?"
His shaky fingers opened her letter and he read the word written on it. "You can come back only if you still want me after what I said to you."
Something blew up and in his chest a swarm of needles travelled throughout his whole body. He grabbed his bag and rushed back to the tower. Before he opened the door, he composed himself and walked in. She was sitting on the floor drawing something on a page. She looked at him and smiled. With an awkward nod he sat next to her to see what she was doing.
"Are you drawing a rabbit?" he asked quietly.
"It's a dog. People usually think it's a horse so I guess I'm getting better."
"It's a great dog."
"Thank you."
"Don't say a single thing. You're not the one who should apologize. I didn't mean what I said. I see all the efforts you're making and I appreciate all of them. I really do. I love you and I am sorry because I know that I hurt your feelings... I saw the tears in your eyes when you left. I am so sorry."
"I know that you are capable of fighting on your own. I- I just lost everyone and... I know that I can be very protective but I am just..." he knew exactly what he wanted to say but couldn't. The words died on his tongue.
"You're scared. That's understandable. I'm sorry I didn't see it from your perspective but Sasuke, you need to understand that there will always be a risk that you'll lose me. Always. I couldnget sick tomorrow or die during childbirth. There are some things you have no control over."
"I know but I want to make sure that you don't disappear or die from something I could have controlled."
"Oh please, even if I die during childbirth you will blame yourself for it and you will say that it's your fault because it's your baby or something."
"Is it wrong?"
"To think this way? A little bit. Well, not wrong just very destructive."
He paused for a moment and then started to panic a little bit. "You can die from childbirth?"
"It happens. Don't worry, Tsunade will be here and I can heal myself during it if I have to."
"Hn. So you won't die?" now the idea of getting a child didn't seem as great as it did.
"There is a risk. Hey," she touched his arm and his heart started to race. His hands were getting sweaty. In only three days his body had started to miss her touch. "I like this side of you. It's adorable."

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)
Fanfiction(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the man his brother wished he will be, he decides that it is time to make amends with the ones he left behind. He realizes that it won't be as...