New Theory

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Tuesday, 26th of September.

Sakura woke up glued to Sasuke. She blushed and rolled over to her side of the bed. She stared at him realising that he wasn't awake yet. She liked to watch him sleep. It probably sounded weird but she couldn't get over how beautiful he was when he was asleep. Every single feature on his face melted with the other creating a beautiful harmony. Every time he was like this, he seemed younger than he was. It was like nothing had happened in his life, no trauma, no sadness, nothing.

As she looked at him, she thought of Itachi and what she knew about him. She wondered how Sasuke was strong enough to manage it all. How did he handle the truth? Sasuke had left this part out when he had told her about it. He only explained the story of Itachi but he never mentioned how it made him feel. A part of her hoped that learning the truth was part of the reason why he decided to help them during the war. She wanted to believe that it was true but deep down she knew that it wasn't. The one who made him come back was Naruto. They nearly had to kill each other for it to happen and Naruto was the reason why she could hold Sasuke today. Naruto was his redemption, she wasn't. She was the result of it. Once again she had done nothing to help him.

He moved in his sleep and opened his eyes. She quickly looked at the ceiling acting like she hadn't been looking at him all along.

"Finally awake?"


"I'll go get ready then." She didn't have anything she needed to get ready for but she didn't want him to see her just out of bed so she took advantage of the fact that he was barely awake to run to the bathroom.

She just wanted to stay in bed today so all she did was to make herself presentable and went back to the bedroom still wearing the t-shirt. Sasuke went after her and came back fully dressed. He stood in front of the bed and looked at her who was sill laying in it. 

"I'm supposed to see Naruto today."

"He's still here? Ino and Hinata left early this morning."

"I know. He is leaving later."

"Oh. I'll stay here then." He walked closer and, having something in mind, she sat down on the edge of the bed. "But before," she grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him with her until he fell on top of her. "There is something I need you to do." she kissed his neck.

"Naruto is waiting." her nose was still at the base of his neck when she replied.

"He can wait." her hands moved on his back.

"He knows that I am never late. What will I say to him?"

"Tell him I kept you busy."


"Oh, come on." she tried to pout like a child hoping that it would make him change his mind but instead he poked her forehead. "Don't you dare say "maybe next time" because you said that yesterday and there wasn't a next time." her voice was slightly annoyed but she didn't mind. She was frustrated with him. She wanted to be closer to him but he just wouldn't let it happen.

"I will be back soon."

She rolled her eyes at him exasperated. "Fine." She let go of him and watched him leave the room.


Naruto had sent Sasuke a letter yesterday, while Sakura was with the girls, to tell him that they needed to talk about something important. He had no idea what his friend meant by that.

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