Chapter 1

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He just turned around and left me standing there in the rain, not even looking back to try and stop me I quickly ran to my car turning it on and driving off ... I needed a distraction so I switched on the radio and 911 by Mary J Blige and Wyclef(I knew that moment my mom was with me) one of the songs my mom loved apparently after my dad broke her heart this song restored it...

I remembered the very first moment I met him

(let's rewind a bit )

...I work at a hospital as a doctor (head of the emergency department) and I've been going to work earlier because I had a few things to finish that day I forgot to have breakfast totally disregarding the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I had a reminder a human reminder
" Eat something Megan,"
Zoe said standing at the door of my office I smiled and got up
"Good girl"
I laughed as she left.

Zoe is my friend has been since we were 4 and we were inseparable she's my rock always has been, ran off to the hospital cafeteria, and boom I crash into someone nearly falling but like a superhero he is, he caught me ...

"oh my I'm so sorry I don't know where my head....." and he laughed
" be careful or I would have to admit you and take good care of you"
I was shaking why am I shaking it's not the time I started blushing and couldn't speak he smiled and said
"see you around beautiful try not to crash on someone again" and he left I couldn't speak.

Zoe found me standing there like an idiot and asked what happened
"Did you see that"
"what," zo said
"Never mind I think I'll stop missing breakfast I'm going crazy," she said
"You crazy you don't say" laughing I smacked her butt
"Ouch only Sam is allowed to do that you know"
"Euw now I have lost my appetite" she laughed so hard and told me to go get food

We laughed and she left I bought the chicken mayo Sand-which and sat down to enjoy it with a cup of tea I loved it .. when I was done I threw the wrappers away and left.

Had a busy day emergency after emergency I didn't even look at the time it was already 2 am so I got up and went to check on Zoe she was gone ... that .....dialing her numbers

" How dare you leave without informing me"
She looked at me with those nice eyes and said.

" so you woke me up to be cheeky with me don't start come to 304f" and she hung up

I went there running found her sleeping "Oh"

"Next time you accuse me to check all these break rooms"

"Stop daydreaming and come join me" I went to the bed next to hers and she asked

" you can't drive now you know I get worried"
I smiled

" I miss my bed Zoe plus tomorrow I am off so I need to be home"

"Fine call me when you get home I'm too tired to argue with you "
I got up kissed her cheek but she was snoring I laughed ... "pregnancy" I said out loud and left when I got home I sent her a message that I just got home and slept.

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