Chapter 2

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Hi guys just posted my first book hope y'all like it....and please be kind

I don't have rights to any of the pictures here...I believe in love, hope and all things good but you know life can throw those curve balls but still you rise above them .... enjoy and thank you 😘thank you u-know-me-now thanks for pushing me to do this you're a star😘

I woke up around 12 pm I was so tired but decided to get up and get something to eat made myself some bacon and eggs and coffee after being full I decided to check out
"MissBala" I love that movie I don't know how many times I've watched it.

My phone rang
" Tell me you're not watching Miss Bala?" Zoe laughing.
I didn't respond and she said she knew it she just wanted to check on me and I appreciated and she hung up.

I craved Pizza so I ordered it 15 minutes later my doorbell rang and it was my pizza I enjoyed it alone, sometimes it's lonely living alone no one to talk to or share your day with ... but it's not like I don't put myself out there I do but men are not there they are either married or not interested...

After torturing myself with my thoughts I took a shower I really should not be taking day offs it's not like I do anything day off was over and I was getting ready the next day for work I love driving to work especially in the morning I have time to think and just really prepare for my day.

Got to work and started being busy it was a good day I did have breakfast and was busy till I went to the cafeteria I needed something sweet but they have donuts that have been there for at least a week " yuck" I said to myself and the handsome man that caught me the other day laughed ...

" let's walk to Krispy Kreme I'm craving a donut too" I smiled and gathered enough courage to answer
" Id love to" we walked down the street it's not too far but I was quite and he smiled and said
" you don't talk a lot do you"
"You make me nervous like I don't know what to say"

We got to Krispy Kreme and I bought so many donuts and began eating them
" slow down"
I laughed with chocolate in my teeth and cream on my face ... he laughed so hard I started looking around maybe there was something I missed so I took out my phone, the horror guys my front teeth were brown from the chocolate and I had cream on my face I wanted the world to swallow me and never let me go...

I took out my fone and cleaned my teeth with my tongue ... he took his thumb slowly wiping the cream away ....his touch sending chills all over my body... we had a moment that's when I realized how much he has sexy big eyes shiiit his eyes .... he's lips ... given a chance I could kiss them all night ( what's wrong with me )... I bit my lower lip... I was going insane goodness I need a moment (4 years without sex does that to your brain)

He asked if I'm okay and I apologized just as I was about to do something I'm not sure what my pager went crazy my favorite patient ... I apologized again and ran so fast back to him he was lying there and there was nothing else I could do he's heart stopped beating .... tried to resuscitate him but he passed away( time of death 14:25) he had colon cancer we've been going through this for 2 years he finally got tired of fighting back... he did say he will leave me soon and I thought he meant going home but he had other plans...

I was devastated, to say the least, it doesn't get easy losing patients it leaves a hole but you have to push and go on because you need to save who you can my mom said I had magic hands and I was meant to save lives even though I didn't save her ... she passed away 4 years ago she was shot, she was a good FBI agent she was after some drug cartel responsible for human trafficking and other ad stuff, she saved thousands of women and lost her life in return one of the men shot her 5 times even her, bulletproof vest didn't help because he aimed for her head.

She fought for her life and when I was called to go see her she begged me to never give up, she just held on enough to tell me she loves me and I should never give up on being an amazing doctor because it was my last year of residency.

She died a hero and as much as I'm proud of her I'm hurt I lost my best friend and all in one it was always the two of us or 3 my aunt was away a lot ....but now the other half is walking around feeling lost.

She made me promise to never give up on being a doctor and to save as many lives as I can I don't want to let her down and can't help but feel I'm letting her down when I lose a patient even though I know I'm not God.

I know I'm a great doctor even when I'm hurt, Jason was my patient he loved making jokes he was a life of the party, he would say he will marry me one day, but he's gone I looked at his room and picked up a photo he took of us we made funny faces he was like a little brother I never had...I left ... running to get some air after thinking about my mom and seeing Jason I needed to breathe but someone followed me.

Got to the rooftop and sat down looked at the sky
"Rough day" he asked smiling
" you have no idea" I said
" I managed to get some of the donuts you love," he said smiling and I smiled and couldn't eat them he said
"Mike, Incase you're wondering what my name is" and smiled as he walked away

After a few minutes, I was ready to face my other patients who I did manage to help without falling apart ...and couldn't wait to go home and rest ...

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