Chapter 25

42 11 15

Zoe's POV

I was tired and grumpy so I fought with Samuel and I hate fighting him but I'm just tired, tired of this town, and this job because sometimes I feel like I overwork myself ... I love my job I mean my work is amazing I save women and babies, I prove to couples that having babies isn't impossible no matter what science said.

Lately, I just haven't been well so I took summer to Samuel's mom because I was off with wine and I needed time out, my phone rang it was Mike's wife (she explained after I answered)... I didn't know how to feel ... what did she want ... she told me Mike was suspended for forcing himself on a nurse and she's divorcing him ... I didn't know how he's my problem really.

She said something I couldn't understand but she asked to come to my place to explain I don't want her anywhere near my house so I waited for her at the cafe down the street ...

"Hi are you, Zoe, I'm Steph"

"Hi can you say what you came to say I have to be somewhere "

"I know your friend was my husband's mistress" I tried to get up but she needed me to sit down

"your husband lied to her for months"

"We have a garage at home my dad was a mechanic...." she said

I was so tired I didn't have the energy to put two and two together...

" good for you Steph"

"No, wait you don't understand, when your friend was busy talking to him I messed with her breaks and that's what caused the accident"

"What" I wanted to slap her no, I actually did and people's stared at me like I'm crazy lady slapping the innocent looking one she rubbed her cheek and I gave her the death stare.

"You killed her baby you know that"

she started crying I didn't know what to say she was crying and people looking at us I couldn't sit there anymore... I stood up and she said

" I never meant to hurt them I'm so sorry"

"But you DID ...You took her baby away, I'm married too and you know what I'd do to Samuel I'd mess with HIS BREAKS NOT THE WOMAN"

"If I knew I wouldn't have done it I'm so sorry, I just felt betrayed and hurt I wanted to hurt him by hurting her"

"Your husband never loved her, so her losing the baby was a blessing to him" she stood there shocked at my words......

I said it so loud people looked at me like I'm crazy and I left her standing there I couldn't say more, she hurt my friend and killed her baby her first child...

I was angry and I was trying to figure out how was I going to tell her she's happier I can tell ... I can't keep this from her...Sam came and I told him everything and we both came up with a plan ... a plan I pray works out what was left was Kelvin so I called him " Kelvin tell her today please I can't take it anymore"

"Hi to you too and yes I'll tell her today"

and like that he hung up .,.after I decided to call Megz Sam begged me to tell her so it makes our new decision better ...

I love my friend and I pray to God this works out because I don't have a plan B this is the only plan...

*ring* I kept drinking wine because God knows I need strength and a whole lot of courage to tell her what I'm about to tell her...

"Hiiiiiii" screaming Megz is a toddler sometimes

"Wow someone  is in a good mood" I laughed too

"Stop it Kelvin I'll kick your ....." she was laughing I can picture how happy she is...

"Don't do that Megz you still need to have kids with that man" I was laughing

"Sorry, Zo ...Kel is being a baby" I heard kelvin screaming what and I love them but they are annoying me right now I need to tell her now when I still can... I took a deep breath

"Megaaaaaaan" I screamed back

"Sorry Zo I'm here I locked myself in the bathroom"

"Mike was suspended he tried to force himself on one nurse she wasn't having it, and his wife is the one that tried to kill you by messing with your breaks, I'm sorry I just can't keep all this in"

She kept quiet...

"I made her hurt my baby"

"Mike is a big man he made his bed now he can lie on it"

"Thank you for telling me I love you and don't worry it's not your fault"

"Love you too bye"

I felt better that I told her now she had Kelvin and aunty she can handle this...

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