Chapter 11

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Weeks were flying by and work was honestly the same thank God, but things have been good and calm ...

Mike was great in the beginning but lately, he disappears a lot he claims there's an emergency I really need to find what the emergency is before I lose my mind, I trust him I think but he's distant which I try not to pay attention to because work comes first my patients come first so I always push it aside...

" he's wife" I heard the nurse say but I had no idea what they are on about so I went to my office I needed a nap I haven't been sleeping because I've been having double shifts working so hard, Zoe's daughter looks so beautiful I wouldn't mind having a child...

She's my wallpaper on my phone and Zoe is jealous because it used to be us but she must know little Summer is my life now laughing as I thought of that ... went to see Mike but he wasn't around tried calling Nothing usually when that happens I give up and not press the matter so after working non stop I was finally driving home to sleep.

Got to my house and cooked with a glass of wine I didn't know when the bottle got finished but it was after my meal I went upstairs to shower and sleep ... the wine helped and I slept like a baby ...

The following day I got ready as usual and drove to work listening to some Ella Handerson her voice calmed me so I went straight to my office after parking ... and had an apple, muffin, and coffee-like that I was ready for my day I even forgot to check my phone I saw a message from Mike saying he misses me and he promises he will make time for me.

I put my phone away and started working, one of my patients came back with more bruises, broken ribs, and jaw ... she still refuses to press charges

"he didn't do this"

is all she says and I don't want to pressure her so I just nodded the man came in moments after shouting that he wants his wife

"I'm busy with my patient please wait outside for her"

he pushed me to the wall if it wasn't for the wall I'd be on the floor, I called security and when he saw them he still didn't move so I told him one last time to get out and the security helped.

She looked terrified of him to thank God he left I didn't say anything I helped her and left the room so she could rest I sedated her ...thinking about her reminded me of Mike and him losing his temper on me, he did it a few times after the pot incident would I end up like her? If I asked her when it started I'm sure it was innocent at first right?

Let me not jump into conclusions and see where this goes I love that man I just need to figure him out first and he only did that 4 times .. anyway I pray she finds help...

Checked on her in the morning she was sleeping peacefully this is what she deserves peace she woke up scared but I told her she's safe and she smiled I called my friend actually Samuels cousin Rob he's a detective and he came to talk to her I really hope she doesn't hate me for this I'm only trying to help.

But she got help and apparently, she's leaving him I love good about time she gets help I don't want anything happening to her she's really sweet ..... and doesn't deserve to be someone's punching bag ...

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