Chapter 17

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We got to my house and everything was okay aunty has been staying here she even changed the locks cause she knows Mike had my keys she's the best ...I smiled and decided to sleep in the room downstairs because I couldn't use the stairs yet ...

Checked my phone ... even though he hurt me I still wished he would call it's been a week since my accident and he hasn't even checked up on me or came to see me ... that hurt more ....aunty cooked my favorite butternut soup and said she will never forget how I love this and that mentioning my favorite dishes ...I smiled as I enjoyed my food and she went upstairs to the room next to mine to sleep. 

"it's only 8 pm grandma" I screamed

"You're not too old to get hiding you know " I laughed and said goodnight .. she was my sunshine and I pushed her away after my mom's funeral because I didn't know how to deal with my loss. 

We spoke about it and the way she understood, I felt bad she said she knows I love her and that was enough for me ... I decided to call Mike I don't know why
" what" was his response

" I had an accident when I came from your place" I sounded so desperate...

He kept quite " I need to tell you something"
he kept quiet

" I was pregnant and it was a girl but I lost her"

"Okay," he said
"That's all you can say"

"Megan I don't have time for this plus we broke up and it was probably for the best what would my wife say"?


he hung up ... he keeps finding more painful ways to hurt me...

I started feeling like I can't breath emotional pain and physical pain I don't know which is worse ... I cried so much and started screaming throwing Cushions on the floor aunty came running and she held me, she held me so tight and said I'll hurt myself .. I was shaking in her arms I couldn't control it ... all that pain from Mike came and I let it all out...

She made me chamomile tea and as a drank it still shaking ... she held me like my mom did when I was sad and after I was done I told her about Mike .... she was ready to kill him which made me smile but 2 wrongs don't make a right and I was wrong I know ... I don't know how but I managed to sleep in her lap...

She was up early cleaning and making me breakfast which I enjoyed my eyes were swollen from the crying but I swear that's my new look for now ...

After 2 days we will be flying back home and I was nervous .... and excited I watched movies and by movies I mean Miss Bala her friendship with Gloria reminded me of me and Zoe, but Zoe is the badass one she was definitely Gloria, I made a mess and Zoe cleaned it up yes I was Suzu unfortunately ...

I sent her a message apologizing for always making her clean up after me and how I'm blessed to have her how I love her.

She called and believe it or not she answered me saying

"Are you drunk or high or both" I laughed so loud Aunty wanted to see but I told her I'm on the phone with Zoe so she left

"No I just realized how much I've messed up and you never left my side and always cleaned my mess"

"You're my friend and the only friend you think friendship is about running when things get tough never I'm stuck with you girl"

I smiled and told her I'm leaving she said she will take me and aunty to the Airport and told her I love her, so from now on she matters too and it shouldn't be one-sided.

She said I'm high on pills but I know she would never admit it but maybe just a little bit she feels the pressure sometimes she's human too... I slept peacefully that day...

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