Chapter 19

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"I see you aunty" I smiled at her

"your friend came here looking for you"

She looked at me "who?" I laughed
She smiled " hmmm" I started laughing because at this point she reminded me of Zoe trying to be Cupid and I see her plans now ...

I laughed " today is your one-month check-up baby girl you need to go get ready"

"Yes mam I will go now" went upstairs and heard her voice

" make sure you look nice"

I went back a bit "why".

"Because Kelvin is taking you"smiling

"Why aunty" pouting like a baby

"I have things to do babe girl I'm a nurse In case you have forgotten" she laughed

"Ok fine" then went upstairs took out my short summer dress because I can't exactly wear pants was yellow and black with sunflowers and took out one sandal since I wear one shoe now...Then a bit of red matte lipstick and mascara.

Then a bit of red matte lipstick and mascara

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"You look, beautiful baby girl"

I blushed " thank you, aunty"

"He's here already," she said

The doorbell rang and it was him with his perfect smile, body and oh my...

"Are you ready toooo....." he froze and I swear I saw him say wow
"You look beautiful as always"

I blushed "thank you Kel, we have to go now or we will be late"
" and you hate being late" my aunt rolled her eyes I laughed kissed her cheek and we left...

The drive there is so nice he's singing along to the songs being so goofy I can't stop laughing " how did I not notice this amazing man before"
He continued being Usher in the car "please be careful I have a broken leg remember ?"

The drive there is so nice he's singing along to the songs being so goofy I can't stop laughing " how did I not notice this amazing man before" He continued being Usher in the car "please be careful I have a broken leg remember ?"

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" I would never let anything happen to you"

I couldn't answer so I kept smiling

"We are here finally," he said I laughed

"Just when I was starting to enjoy that free concert damn"

he laughed and held my hand to the hospital, it was nicer now ... bigger it really improved in these 5 years and I loved it I could see myself back here hmmm...

We walked into Dr. Ramone's office he's my physiotherapist and he worked me really hard Dr. Russel was on the line making sure I'm okay...

"I'll be back for you okay just need to fix a few things at the office okay"

"If I'm still alive when you get here," I said as he laughed and left

That was the longest most painful hour of my life I didn't know how painful that would be, I mean I broke my femur and .... my leg hurt really bad and I had to be strong but it's only been a month I'm sure it will get better ...

He was happy with my progress though and gave me more pain meds, Kelvin walked in and when I got up felt a sharp pain on my thigh "fuck" ...

He came running and saw me trying to walk but he carried me to the car and went back for my crutches ..that felt good.

"What do you feel like having?"

"Definitely a burger"


"Burger King," he asked smiling

"Do you stalk me sir"  we bought food and sat at the car enjoying it

"I'm sorry about your mom I never got say this"

"It's okay and thank you"

"I mean I wanted to tell you but you snuck out and I followed you just to see if you are okay and when you went to Christian I decided to back off"

"Wow you really followed me"blushing

"Yes but Christian doesn't like me so I decided to back off" laughing

"Thank you, Kelvin "

" that was nothing" smiling

"Can we have ice cream he said"

"Of course ...."

We got ice cream and sat there eating it ... I had an amazing day

He carried me again with my short dress covering my butt with his hands I wanted to laugh he was so uncomfortable but still carried me to the house ... and asked if it's okay to leave ... when I said yes he left.

After he left I took those pills because the pain was unbearable ...I had a great day, Kelvin seems nice but how many more men seem "nice" in the beginning ... I need to stop being negative Kelvin isn't Mike ... we haven't talked it's been a month and a few weeks and he's quite it's okay it gave me more time to heal and forget him it's hard but everything will be okay... thank God aunty bought me a new phone staring at that cracked screen reminded of that night...

I was watching tv laughing so loud but then the pills kicked in and I must have fallen asleep on the couch again ...

"Now who's the granny" aunty said waking me up

" I am a patient I have several broken bones to prove this" rubbing my eyes

We had a nice evening catching up and having so much nice food...

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