Chapter 23

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I didn't sleep that well because of Christian, got up and checked on aunty she was up and already gone with her sweet notes...

Went downstairs and had my breakfast ... Lola came screaming and happy with a Kelvin ... Kel pushed her and gave me a hug I laughed and he kissed my cheek ... "Really Kelvin," she said rolling her eyes... she went to sit down

And Kelvin left saying I should tell him if there's a problem, Lola was with me I knew they came up with this because he won't let me stay alone... I smiled Lola couldn't stop talking she's very loud and funny...

We had a great day she can't cook burnt a few things so I begged her not to cook after sulking she said yes and we had some rolls and meatballs it was delicious she loved them ... only we turned weird food combinations into tradition ..after we were both full it was late around 8 pm she said it's time to go she stayed at the other side of town so I said it's okay ...

When she left I got scared again I mean even if we couldn't fight Christian she's pregnant I have a broken leg ... still, her company made me feel better Kel called and asked if I'm okay he could tell I was scared so he said he will be here soon...

Thank God aunty walked in while talking to him and he was relieved ... so I warmed her food and after she ate she was ready for bed ... when she was sleeping I watched tv...

I heard stones hitting my window and looked outside scared Kelvin... I laughed and went to him..he said I liked stuff like that and they don't only happen in movies making me blush ... he kissed me and we sat at the porch catching up he gently took my feet and put them gently on his lap..... he's quite smart I don't know how I didn't notice him before but I'm glad I wouldn't have appreciated him as much as I do now ...

We sat like that for hours talking n laughing with a cup of hot chocolate and lots of marshmallows stole some from aunty she won't kill me she loves me... After he left I slept peacefully again ...

A few weeks later

It's the 5 th month now and I'm not ready to leave Kelvin we just found each other and I'm just not ready to go back there I had a surprise aunt said I wonder what she has up her sleeve...

Around 5 pm she said I should dress up so I wore my mother's red dress ...I looked beautiful with my hair nicely done in a Dutch braid with nice red matte lipstick .... went downstairs and while I was asking what's up Kelvin came in looking like a cheeseburger I want to enjoy ...

 went downstairs and while I was asking what's up Kelvin came in looking like a cheeseburger I want to enjoy

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He took my hand and I asked what's up they both ignored me and we left... the ride there was nice I had a show again from Usher this time he sang "my boo" I really need to ask him about his obsession with Usher he laughed and said what's up ...

"Should I be worried" looking at him weirdly

"with what?" he said with a smile

"Usher" he laughed so hard he had tears coming out I wasn't that funny ... he said he just loves him and I gave him a look making him laugh again ...

We pulled Infront of the restaurant "CUPID" it was amazing
" how come I don't know it," I said

"The owner moved here 3 years back and I helped" smiling " it looks amazing" I answered him...

"Thanks" we walked in and it was like walking in Valentine's celebration themed prom.... red and white everywhere the tables were heart-shaped and the couches were red n white ... I loved it there

I had carbonara and wine, he had something weird he loves seafood he's food looked like it would attack us my defense I'm allergic to seafood ....we had so much fun and talked our talk was interrupted by the bright red lights...

"Kel what's happening why are their lights on us and everyone smiling and cheering at us" shocked

" We need to dance that's the rule, so we got up and danced to "Elaine - you're the one" I love this song I screamed internally .... he held me tight and when we were done he kissed me gently...I couldn't hold back the loud cheers woke me up and we sat down ...

He was a romantic at heart ... after he paid we left he told me how that man and his wife met apparently if singles went there they got out a couple they would put both lights on different people who came alone... that's why the name Cupid they are all suckers for love and I love it...

We got home and sat at our favorite spot the porch .. it was the first time I opened up about Mike and the baby he wiped the tears and kissed me ... I felt better ... after that, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend I laughed he looked so serious and nervous but I kissed him ... and he tucked me in bed I don't know why but I love it when he takes care of me and treats me like a baby...

Apparently, he overworked my leg so he carried me to bed kissed me, and left me like that and tucked me In came back from my door to kiss me again "I miss you already" I blushed and he finally left I don't know how but our door was nicely locked when I woke up ...

"Thank you, mom," I said she and aunty Grace, always wanted us to end up together, and here we are ...

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