Chapter 22

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I got in trying not to make a sound only to find 2very angry eyes looking at me " sorry aunty I went to take Kel food and we sat there watched tv  and I accidentally fell asleep I left my phone I could've texted"
She looked at and she laughed
"Relax you were with Kelvin safe that's all I want" I kissed her cheek and went to shower......

When I got downstairs I had a delivery of corn dogs from Kel I laughed, he even remembers how I had a fit one day at school because I didn't get them and was hungry... I enjoyed them and called him

"Corndog," he said

"What" he laughed

"that's my nickname for you"

I laughed and we had a nice conversation I forgot he's at work and apparently he did too because they started shouting at him and making fun of him we both laughed and he had to hang up...

"See you later corndog❤️😘" his message is he seriously calling me that...


then sent them a message "🤣later cd"

I smiled and put my phone away... I was getting bored being at home doing nothing every day but cook and eat and eat some more ..I missed working but thinking about Mike made me cringe honestly I feel great now and thinking about him doesn't hurt that much anymore ... but the things I went through with him every time I think about it ...

I watched a few shows and they made me laugh and I actually had a nice day... I was getting better and better daily and it's my 3rd month at home I suddenly felt like I couldn't leave again, Kelvin is all I thought of now I can't leave him not now when we're getting closer we are taking it slowly and I love it ... I'm falling for him and loving it just as I was lost in thought "heart of the matter by India Arie" was on and I danced tried to dance to the song I loved that song it gave me clarity ....ouch my thigh why did I dance, for a smart person that wasn't a smart choice...

I sleep peacefully lately smiling, I showered And put on my summer dress loved wearing them because of my cast and decided to go get a few things from the supermarket

" can I bring you, anything Aunty"

"Sweets please baby girl"

"You're diabetic aunty id literally be killing you"

I had a frown

"I'm not ready to lose you, aunty, I love you so much"

"Oh my baby you're not losing me I'm taking care of myself okay" she wiped my tear and kissed my cheek

" you're still getting me my sweets though" she winked at me and went to sit on the couch ...

I ignored her comment and said bye ... I haven't seen Kel in a while because he's very busy he's company is doing so well and I'm happy for him, he's also taking care of his mom she was not feeling well ...But he calls me every day and sends messages which make me blush ...

He's still making fun of me when I blushed to see him half-naked and Lola told Lala so I was a joke basically ... I took a Uber and got to their store and started putting stuff in the cart went to the sweets aisle but bought  SUGAR-FREE I laughed putting them in knowing I'm gonna get it when I get home...

I bumped into someone CHRISTIAN what the hell... I was having a good day ...

" Hey babe," he said

"I'm not your babe Christian"

"Come on you know you miss me I was your first and shit"

"Since when do you talk like that you sound like an idiot you know" rolling my eyes

He wanted to sound like a rapper but the only difference is they sound sexy he sounds like an idiot ... IDIOT... I rolled my eyes and wanted to pass but he stood there "can you move please"

"I'm not moving I still want you"

"I want fruits too so can you move"

He came close and grabbed my butt putting he's dirty hands inside my dress. Why did wear a lace thong dammit...

"wow you are wearing it just like I taught you, remember when you were desperate to keep me and did everything I wanted"

I thought of how he compared me to other women wear this because some girl wears it and she looks sexy implying I don't, I needed to keep him so I ended up buying stuff I didn't like, having a fear he would find someone better... why did I let him get in my head like that...

Tried taking his hands out but he pulled my dress up .... he was the same Christian he wanted to humiliate me people are looking and I'm desperately trying to pull my dress down my leg got sore, my crutch fell...Christian was being so rough I wanted to move but he tightened his grip on me .... fuck this piece of shit .... suddenly he let go of me and I saw him fly across the aisle Kelvin's standing over him

" You touch her like that again I'll kill you "
and he continued punching him

... I froze and I was shaking he saw me and ran to me ...holding me tight and I cried on his chest...

But someone ripped him from me, Christian pulled him and threatened us with a knife in his hand he tried to stab me but Kelvin blocked it, he tried to come for me but it drove Kelvin mad ...he hit him till he passed out ... but the police came to take Christian and he held me so tight I was worried about his cut ...he protected me giving me that weird feeling ...

When everything had settled down he took my stuff and put them in a bag and we left ...when we got home he made me chamomile tea and gave it to me I changed into shorts and a t-shirt ...he didn't talk but I cleaned his wound it wasn't that deep so it didn't need to be stitched thank God...

"I won't let anything or anyone hurt you"

and I hugged him ... I let him hold me tight and he kissed my cheek but I turned his face and kissed him slowly his lips were so soft oh my God ......him saving me showed me I couldn't keep playing with his emotions this man was it .....he kissed me back and just continued holding me ...

When aunty came back she found him cooking and she laughed " what's happening," we told her everything and she was angry more than Kelvin ...she was so angry Kelvin made her tea too but she calmed down and when Kelvin was done we ate and had fun laughing...

He didn't want to leave me alone but I told him he can go because he needs to go to work and I'll let him know when something is wrong he kissed me again and I was floating ..... his soft lips .... he whispered while kissing "shit" and I couldn't help but laugh .... he gave me a baby kiss and left.

I locked all the doors and went upstarts locking my bedroom and slept... Of course, I had to have a bad dream about Christian .... dammmit

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