Chapter 26

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After the call with Zo, I didn't how to feel, Kelvin came running hearing me cry, my poor baby ......I cried and of course, my moment with Kelvin was ruined because he had to wipe away my tears and make me feel better, he really is an amazing man he didn't make me feel bad for breaking down and instead wanted to take my pain away. After 4 corn dogs and ice cream, I felt so much better and we slept on the couch aunty didn't mind.

My final month was finally coming to an end I hated it, a part of me didn't want to go back but this time it's not like I'm running away I was just done with Lynnwood but I convinced Zoe to go there and now I've changed my mind again .... she's going to kill me when I tell her I don't want to go back I want to stay here with Kelvin and my aunt I belong here...

I felt better my checkup went well my femur looked better my x-ray showed me I've made so much progress and I could walk better ... I thought of so many things I wanted like to stay here permanently...

I stared at the hospital I could see myself back here everything was well and the technology here was up to date ... they could use more doctors though ...I mean I love it here and Zo would love it too ... I can't believe I actually love living back home...

Kelvin drove me back home and made me lunch we sat there and talked he had a worried look and I couldn't help but worry too ... aunty came to eat and asked Kelvin when is he taking me there ...

Kelvin said we needed to head out but refused to tell me where, why do they do that

"I thought you said we are a team baby"

"I know babe ill show you what we have been up to I promise"

what's happening we drove a while and he stopped at a nice building not too far from the hospital ... we got in and it was a doctor's office, apparently, he's 80 and tired now he wants to retire ...

"But why am I here babe"
he smiled at me and said

"patience beautiful" the doctor came out ... he did look tired

"Hi Miss Megan ....hmm would you consider taking over from me you come highly recommended"

"Whaaaa" I couldn't even finish my sentence
I couldn't speak I was shocked and excited .... while I was finding the right words to turn him down I made a promise to Zoe and she's been with me through it all I can't do this ... Kelvin will find a way there's always a way and I do believe in long-distance relationships ... trying to convince me

A beautiful girl maybe she was about 6 years, ran up to me her fever was high cause I put my hand on her forehead " are you the pretty doctor please help me my throat hurts" I took her hand and Mr. Donald gave me permission to use he's consultation room ... her fever wasn't bad it was a viral infection nothing a few prescribed medicine won't heal, so I gave her some fever medication, and everything she needed her told her to lie down a bit while her parents sat with her...

Was this a sign...I love it when God shows me his funny side this has got to be him ... after a few minutes they were about to leave and the girl came back and kissed my hand saying thank you... I cried I don't know why but she made me emotional she gave me the courage to actually call Zoe and tell her not to kill me but I don't want to leave ... after hearing what Mike's wife did to me I was convinced I don't need to go back there ...

Mike has been harassing me a lot calling sending messages... Suddenly he misses me and wants me back the nerve... Kelvin hates it but he knows I love him and he promised to sort him out I went to Kelvin sitting outside with Mr. Donald and said
"yes I'd love to take over"

Kelvin kissed me and carried me spinning me around ... I was laughing he's so silly sometimes ... I thought I saw sam and Zoe am I high...

We walked to the hospital because it wasn't far and left Mr. Donald because he said he would be gone in a month giving me a month to prepare ... Kelvin said we could make a few changes make it more mine and I smiled at him because he knows me too well I love him so much...

We went to the hospital and Kelvin got my aunts insulin and all her medicine .. we went home but it was quite .. since when does aunty sleep around 6 pm we got in and heard "SURPRISE" from aunty, Sam, summer, and Zoe

They hugged me and we sat down to eat they all planned this ...Zoe took care of the Lynnwood hospital letting me go and everything I needed ... they had packed my stuff at Kelvin's house they told me all of that and I couldn't help but smile everyone I love in one room ... Zoe said Kelvin-has been chickening out because he thought I wanted to go back to Lynwood I laughed because I knew I didn't ... she was happy and she would be working here too on her own terms.. she needed to balance being a wife, mother, and doctor ...she could do that well here...

She was the only female obstetrician and she was ecstatic ... she wasn't happy there and she was ready to come back here everything worked perfectly ...for the first time since moving and losing my mom and my baby I was finally happy again and I was grateful...

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