75 | nodoka

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Her mom burst out again.

Today was her wedding anniversary with Nodoka's father. She knows how hard it is to lose someone she loves but, her mother isn't the only one who lost him.

Nodoka lost him too, and that gives her all the reasons in the world to avoid getting abused.

But alas, her mother punched her, slapped her and blamed her for her father's death... she was there at the time but it's not as if nine-year-old Nodoka killed him.

Not to mention, her mother dragged her into her bedroom, tied her to the bed and let out all her anger on her.

That's not how she should be treated.

That's not how anyone should be treated.

By the end of the day, Nodoka could only daydream about how things used to be when her father was alive.

Again, if you know anyone who's experiencing this, please call the authorities. It's not right.

Nodoka and The Inevitable | ohshcWhere stories live. Discover now