Special: "Christmas!!"

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*What you did the morning before christmas.*

Ryan woke up and shook you awake to, you looked at the clock while stretching and saw that it was 7 in the morning, you looked at Ryan with a somewhat angry, sleepy face.

You: "Why did you wake me up so early?"

Ryan: "Oh, silly, we need to go christmas shopping for tomorrow."

You: "Oh my god! I forgot to call my mom."

You said and ran got the phone out of the pocket of your jeans and dialed your mother, she answeared and..,

Mom: "Where are you?!"

You: "Don't worry mom, I'm at a friend... and we are going Christmas shopping."

Mom: "What friend? If you go Christmas shopping that... wait, that's actually a good thing, go ahead, after that, I want to meet this 'friend' of yours."

You: "Alright, love ya, bye!"

You said closing the phone and then Ryan pushed you into the bathroom gave you your clothes and got out, and left you to get dressed and ready to go.

Ryan: "Hurry up!"

You closed the door and sighned as you splashed your face with cold water and woke yourself up, you got dressed and when you went outside breakfast was ready, you were having pancakes.

Ryan: "I made pancakes!"

You: "Wow..."

You said as you took a place and you both ate pancakes and talked about stuff, just random unimportant stuff, you did discover he was a youtuber, but, you kinda figured it out when you recorded the episode for The Cat Lady. You finished up and Ryan got everything in the kitchen sink, you helped him wash the dishes and then you both got out and went to the store where, you pulled some pranks. You pretended to faint and worried people, you both pretended to stumble and knock alot of stuff off the shelves, stuff like that.

At the cash register, you were both happy you bought all that stuff, most of it were decorations since your mom was going to cook, but you did buy ingredients to make a christmas pudding. You payed got out and went back home, having a small chat with Ryan.

Ryan: "So, wanna talk about last night? What did you dream about?"

You: "Oh, I dreamt that I was being beaten while I was in a body bag and then I was trown in a sea, left to die, drowning and felt my body crumble under pressure..."

Ryan: "Oh... no wonder you were so freaked out..."

You: "Yeah.... Thank you."

Ryan: "For what?"

You: "For being there for me."

You smiled at him, and he returned with a smirk.

Ryan: "Oh, come on, I'm sure your mother did the same..."

You: "No, she always thought I was crazy so, I never told her again about my nightmares."

He hugged you quickly and then he looked at you with an understanding look. You then both got home and prepared the pudding the best you could and by that I mean you bought one because you realized, you couldn't actually cook it because no matter how much you tried, it ended up looking bad... like, real bad.

*On Christmas*

You dressed up as a little santa's helper, in a cute red dress, boots and a hat, while Ryan dressed up in a T-shirt that said: "Trust me, I'm Santa Clause." And some jeans, you both then went to your mothers house and, got a few questions in the begining, but, it all went swell and it was a nice dinner with your and Ryans mother, it was nice and it seemed natural.

In the end, you and Ryan were walking to the balcony, to look at the fireworks when you saw that you took your place right under a mistletoe, you blushed as Ryan gave a smirk and got you close to him, you looked into his blue eyes and then to his lips and back to his eyes quickly, bitting your own lip.

Ryan: "Merry Christmas..."

He said in a husky deep voice and pressed his lips on yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back as he rested his hands around your waist and held you firmly. Your kiss was a sweet and innocent one, but the memory imprinted in your head, you never felt your heart beat so fast, not from fear but from love and pleasure as you felt your cheeks get warm and a tingly sensation appeared in your stomach.

When you pulled away and looked at each other, your lips inches away still, you saw Ryans face was as red as yours. You smiled and whispered.

You: "Best Christmas gift ever..."

And then your lips met again and you had a nice make out scene while the light of the fireworks shined on you in different colours, you then sang some carols and stayed togheter the whole night, until Cry needed to leave and you had to say good bye, but with the promise you would get to see each other tomorrow.

As you went to sleep, the kiss replayed in your memory heating up your cheeks again as you thought of the moment, you sighned happily as you closed your eyes and went to sleep, waiting for tomorrow to arrive.


((Picture used by Smiley-Fakemon. ))

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