Chapter 9: "In with the Angel?"

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Finally, all this demon crap was done and you could live a happy, normal life, your voice felt a little better, not too much doe. You were laying in bed thinking about everything, about how many times you avoided death and how many times you suffered. But, it was all gone now.

You got out of bed, to be greeted by Ryan, who just finished uploading his video and pre-recording some stuff for other days so you had much more time togheter.

Ryan: "How is my little kitten doing?"

You made a silent meow since your voice was still pretty bad and Ryan smiled at you, he seemed exited. You both ate something quickly made by the both of you then you went to a pharmacy to find something for your throath.

Pharmacist: "Yes, just give her these pills, m'kay?"

Ryan made a muffled laugh at the pharmacists weird voice. You looked at him weird as he payed for the pills and then you both exited the pharmacy, the pharmacist telling you:

Pharmacist: "You kids have a nice day, m'kay? And use protection... m'kay?"

You both laughed once you got out of the pharmacy and then you got home quickly, the weather outside was only getting worse, the temperatures dropping like melting butter down a hill.

Ryan: "What a interesting phatmacist we have."

You nodded, and then you heard a knock on your door, Ryan opened the door and out was a blonde girl, she had weird blue eyes that seemed to bave some sort of symbol in them and she had wings, angel wings. You fell to the floor grasoing your head, images of her popping into your mind, she wasn't good... she was evil, you saw her kill several people and mostly they were kids. You ran to Ryan and slammed the door shut shaking your head 'No' to him.

Ryan: "We have to-"

You: "No!"

Your voice was raspy and your throath hurt but you didn't want that thing in your house, she just wasn't okay in your book.

Ryan: "She has wings..."

You cleared your troath, feeling your voice come a little back to you, just enough so you could tell him.

You: "Please, don't. She isn't-"

You got cut off by a thing grasping your neck, as if a cold wind struck you in the face and cut your words making you gasp and wheeze, getting out of Ryans door which opened the door and let the creature inside. You looked at Ryan with an angry look and then stormed into your bedroom, closing the door and opening up the laptop you had there, searching information about these sort of entities.

As you scatered through info, you heard a loud bang noise come from the kitchen, when you ran in the kitchen you saw Ryan and the new 'Angel' kiss... rather violently and with alot of passion, like alot alot. You felt your heart break into two pieces and fall down in your stomach, melting in the acid that was in there. You went to Ryan and slapped him hard, leaving a red mark after that you grabbed your jacket and left, making sure to slamm the door shut loudly enough for him to get the hint without you speaking.

As you were stepping in the snow, leaving marks, you saw that your footprints left blood marks on the cold, white snow. You stared a bit worried, but then looked forwards, something grasping your head and kissing you, a black shadow figure, once he or she did that, you fell down, feeling your voice come back to you.

You: "Well, I guess, that's a good thing... but why help me?"

You said as you were both graceful and confused as ever. You kept walking forwards, not caring or knowing were you went, maybe you would stumble over B0red and just let your heart out to her, she seemed like a nice person that has went through a lot of stuff.

The world then stopped.

???: "What are you doing wandering around like a crazy person?"

You: "I don't know, and who are you?!"

You said to the creature, it had black spread out wings that released some sort of black energy from it, it also had a hood covering his (you assumed) face and a scythe.

Death: "I am Death, or better known as the person keeping you alive."

You: "Why?"

Death: "I dunno."

You pushed him out of your way and continued, he followed your steps, closely and looking at you with interest as to what you were doing.

Death: "So what, you just give up?"

You: "What's the point, anyways... you saw him.."

Death: "Yes, I did... but did you saw her?"

You: "What?"

You said turning your gaze, but he was gone, instead was a old man, that seemed to be begging for something and then, it shined down on you, the girl... she wasn't an angel she was...



So, as you can see, your friend is Death himself, so, kudos to you for that.


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