Chapter 12:"Here for a fight?"

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And you as Virus walked in circles once again until you to gave up and sat calmly on a rock next to Virus, you let out a sigh as you hadn't figured it out yet and you were quite tired from walking.

Suddenly a cold wind passed by sending shivers down your spine, it was a girl (description in the other chapter. Because I am lazy.) She looked at you both and smiled she was relaxing on a tree branch.

???: "The forrest is dense, look beyond the trees..."

The girl said and disappeared like nothing happened leaving you in total fog.

You: "What did she mean by that?"

Virus: "Hmm..."

Virus got up and snapped his fingers.

Virus: "I know, this forest it's like a patch of data, if we see through it then... we should be good."

Virus concentrated on the ground and fell on his knees, you kind of freaked out but you wouldn't dare touch him, you looked at him, he had his eyes opened, they were empty, just a bright white light coming from them, the patch of data on his mask was really bright and his ha ds started growing numbers of some sorts, he soon snapped from this trance like thing and shook his head.

Virus: "That way!"

He said grabbing your hand and running towards some direction as if he knew them by heart, you were confused as heck. He then stopped and looked forwards. In front of you layed a bird/fish like thing, or the skeleton of it anyways. It it's head it was a vorpal blade.

The same girl appeared next to the skeleton and the vorpal, she smiled her bunny ears moving up and down as if to say hi.

???: "The vorpal blade is swift and keen... and always ready for service..."

She said landing the knife in your hand gently, she then vanished, Virus was on the ground, you put the knife in your boot and went down to Virus.

You: "Hey, are you okay?"

Virus: "Yeah."

He said, but, he didn't sound okay, you managed to glance at his mask and see that it had blood on it.

You: "Are you hurt?"

Virus: "No, I'm fine."

He said wiping the blood with his sleeve, and he turned to you giving you a smile.

Virus: "See? Perfectly fine."

You didn't tell anything to him, you knew he was bleeding, why he wouldn't tell you was beyond you to understand but, meh, who knows? You looked at the knife, it was very well crafted and beautiful looking, and it was sharp.

You both continued to walk forwards.

You: "Nice little trick you did back there..."

Virus: "Huh? Oh, that... yeah..."

He said, his thought drifting off into a different place as he looked at the sky.

You: "Alright, stop a second."

Virus: "What?"

You: "What's up with you? You seem down and near crying at that freacking cloud."

Virus looked at you a bit confused, he sighned as he caught a glimpse of the knife you were bearing, he but on a smile, it seemed genuine enough, but you were no expert.

Virus: "It's nothing, just a slight headache."

You: "M'kay... let's continue then."

You said, and soon you reached a slide.

You: "Looks fun!"

Virus nodded, he seemed the same as usual, finally, didn't really care, you sneaked up behind him when he was clearly not paying attention and pushed him down the slide, and the  you jumped too.

You: "Wooooo!!"

You laughed and screamed along with Virus until you reached the end and you ended up on top of virus standing on his chest.

You: "That was fun!"

Virus: "hahaha, yeah."

You got up and helped him up too, you then continued until you reached a small, plain place in the land, sudenly, monsters spawned in, tar things with baby doll faces in them, you readied your Vorpal, but before you could do something, Virus glitched all of them, making them spazz violently and die.

You stared at him in shock a bit, why attack them? Why not let you handle yourself? It was all so weird but, the creatures, the place slowly fallingappart, and Virus he seemed so cold and distant at the start and now he's sort of.... protective and cute. Wait, what?!




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