Chapter 11: "We're all mad here"

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After the explination yougulped and walked towards Virus,  but you changed your mind since, you didn-t quite like him so much, he seemed, mysterious, and rather dangerous, not that the Mad guy wasn't but... at least he was more of an open book.

You walked towards Mad and took a sip out of the red tea, he smiled at you as Virus poofed and disappeared, he looked at you and gave you a wide smile.

Mad: "See you on the other side."

He said and circled around you until he was behind you.

You: "Other side?"

Mad: "You'll see..."

He said and when you turned towards him, he blew a redlooking dust in your face making you caugh and back up, forgeting there was a hole behind you, you fell down and down and it seemed to never end, finally, you heard Mads voice.

Mad: "WOOOOOOO!!!! Having fun?!"

You: "FUN?! I'm falling down in an endless pit!"

He gave you a look, wait, he was wearing a mask, well, his mask would change depending on his expression, smilig, angry, smirking, all of that, it seemed out of place and magical but, hey, earlier you saw tiny dragons that fly.

Mad: "Well, you are no fun at all."

He said snapping his fingers and you sudenly hit the floor, making you fall on the ground and hit your head, you let out an 'Ouch' as you rubbed your head.

Mad: "Did you die?"

You: "No, why?"

Mad: "Damnit, I really hoped for you to die."

You growled a bit at him, but got up and dusted your dress, you looked around, it was a new weird place, all magical looking and beautiful.

Mad: "Well, where shall we go now?"

You: "We?"

Mad: "Of course, you are no fun and we don't want to make this a boring adventure now, do we? No, we want to make it Killer! Hahahaha, now, let's go."

You followed him, I mean, what else could have you done, you didn't know where to go and you would probably get lost because the view was so beautiful.

You: "I'm fun...."

You mumbled, your arms crossed as you kicked a pebble.

Mad: "No you aren't."

You mentaly flipped him off as you were walking, he seemed to know where he was going what could go wrong?

You: "Big words from a Mad man..."

You said in a bit of a whisper, Mad stopped in his tracks, you bumped into him as you really didn't pay attention to him, he turned to face you.

Mad: "Listen here, (Y/n)...."

He got close to your ear, you felt a tingle as he moved his mask to reveal his mouth.

Mad: "We're all mad here..."

He whispered and then put his mask back on and backed away from your face, he continued to walk as you went with him... What he said, you weren't mad, you were pretty sure you were mentally stable.

You continued to walk with him and then he stopped. You sighned out loud because you have been circling around the area for hours gettig to the same place over and over again.

You: "You have no idea where we are going, are ya?"

Mad: "Oh, shush, of course I have a bloody idea of where we are going... haha, see what I did there?"

You: "Face it, we are lost!"

Mad: "Well then, if you think you know where we should go then kead the way!!"

He said hid face all up in yours, shouting and he let out a laugh at the end, you didn't know what to do, laugh, be scared, leave... you didn't react as he backed up from you, he took a place on a rock, you sighned and continued to walk.

Mad: "Where do you think you are going?"

You: "Look, Mad, I'm not going to stay on a rock and wait, I'm going to find a way, now,  you have two choices follow me, or don't."

Mad smiled widely and got up next to you, patting your shoulder, he seemed happy.

Mad: "So you do have some fun in you!!hahaah"

He said as he let you lead the way, he would often sig random songs like 'Pop goes the weasle' 'London Bridge' and other nursery rhymes or creepy songs that would scare you out, or he would just randomly tell the places of bodies or where the dead people are.

He was a very special guy, kind of weird and really hard to understand, but, he was resembling someone you knew, or a part of him anyways, your mind couldn't remember his face, voice or name, it was like a piece of your brain was removed and stored somewhere away from you, but why?


Picture by ryunanara on DeviantArt.

So, surprise, surprise, as Cry has more personalities, it mean that this will be a multiple X Reader.  Muhahahahahaha (maybe...)


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