Chapter 11: "Infected."

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After the explination you approached Virus and looked a bit at the pills that were in his hands then at the tea, but, since Mad made you a bit scared, and his character seemed so... weird, you choose to remain to the pills, you took a deep breath.... well, you wanted answers, so you took the red pill.

Virus smirked a bit as Mad poofed only to leave a red smoke that was slowly faintig away. Virus circled afound you until he got behind you, he leaned towards you and whispered in your ear.

Virus: "Welcome to Wanderland, enjoy your stay."

He said and gave you a push, making you stumble forwards and fall in the hole that was in front of you. You were falling down, down... it seemed as an endless fall, you weren't even screaming anymore, just waiting for something to happen.

Virus: "Hello... having fun falling?"

You: "If it was a water slide, I would have more fun."

You saw a mischevious smile on his face.

Virus: "As you wish..."

The image glitched where he stood and then water started to fall down, Virus was gone and soon water hit you down to the floor, kind of hard as it then went along on the grass.

You: "Ouch..."

You said rubbing your head and your arm a bit, you looked forwards in search for something, someone... the place was nice, yes, but the atmosphere was quiet and a bit creepy.

You: "V-Virus.... I kinda need some help here."

You then felt a hand onyour shoulder and jumped forwards, you looked back only to see Virus standing there.

Virus: "I know..."

He said and continued to walk forwards, you followed behind. But, the silence still remained as none of you spoke, you were quite tired of the awkward ambiance that was acompaniated by strange noises of dragons and squeaky stuff.

You: "So, where are we?"

Virus: "Well, that is something for you to discover."

You: "Okay... Uhm, where are we going?"

Virus: "Forwards..."

You: "No, I mean direction."

Virus: "...forwards!"

You gave a small laugh at his response, but then you noticed, whenever Virus stepped a patch of data was created along with a glitchy efect to it, maybe he was really a virus?

Virus: "Why did you take the red pill?"

You: "Huh?"

You said as you not payed attention to him while your thoughts got over you.

Virus: "The red pill... why take it?"

You: "I-I don't know... I guess I wanted answers..."

Virus nodded, what you wanted answers about? What was happening to you, why did you have nightmares, why could you not sleep at night, why was the world getting infected with monsters every time your head hurt... were you seeing the reality?

You: "So, where are we again?"

Virus: "...I don't know..."

Your eyes widened a bit, if he didn't know then how are you supposed to get out of here and to a new location, and then you noticed you have been walking in circles the whole time.

You: "Okay, you know what?! I'm not following you anymore... nope!"

Virus: "Suit yourself..."

He said taking a place on a stone and his mind seemed to wander off somewhere as you looked forwards a bit scared, if you would step out on him, you would be alone... you didn't want to be alone.

You: "*sigh* Well... I guess he is just another one of them..."

You said... who are they? Oh, he knew too well and soon you will know too, you just said it so you could piss him off and maybe get him to go with you.

You were about to walk forwards when you felt something grasp your arm and give you a light push towards them, Virus seemed mad, angry for the way you called him, your face was close to his mask as he spoke.

Virus: "Do not, ever compare me to those... creature, those infected things that stain the world... those..."

His words always seemed as he wanted to say more, but stopped him,you don't know what it was but, he reminded you of someone, the way he acted seemed familiar to you.

You: "Then come with me, show me you are not like them..."

Virus let you go, he backed up and smiled faintly as he would usualy do.

Virus: "Lead the way."

You nodded as you walked forwards, Virus by your side, you sometimes talked, had small conversations or he would tell you about the land you were in, but not too much information.


Picture used by -Lunaomi on DeviantArt! :D

Hahaha, you get it, infected because he is a Virus! Hahaha. (No? No? Ok.)

But anyways! This story had two roots! So that's why the 'Chapter 11" thing repeats, because it has more endings and more shtuff!


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