Chapter 5 : "Demon" part 1

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*after the gaming session and all that jazz...*

Your eyes fluttered open as you cuddled into something, you realized it was Ryan, you looked at him, he looked so cute sleeping. His messy hair getting in his face and the silent mumbles, made him look like a kitten. He opened his blue eyes and looked at you.

Ryan: "Mornin'~"

He said in a deep, husk, morning voice that made your heart melt and your cheeks warm up, he chuckled a bit at you and kissed your head. You blinked and the room turned into a interesting looking place, it had worms swarming everywhere, bugs surrounding your feet and crawiling on them which made you jump up and shake your feet, the floor made a squish sound that was accompaniated by a weird bone crackling sound. You shook your head closing your eyes and everything turnes back to normal, you were held byRyan,which had a bit panicated look on his face.

Ryan: "Another nightmare?"

You: "Ryan, these aren't nightmares, they always feel so real and it's like a crazy vision... you probably think I'm crazy..."

He kissed your forehead.

Ryan: "You aren't crazy, for me, you are perfect the way you are."

He smiled at you and you both got up, he quickly went and took a shower while you were preparing a quick breakfast, just some butter on toast and two cups of tea. After that, you heard the door of the bathroom open and you heard Ryan come downstairs with no shirt on, you quickly tried to cover your blush which was getting crazy. Despite being someone who didn't work out, Ryans body was looking very well built and sexy.

Ryan: "Have you seen my T-shirt?"

You: "Y-yes... l-let me get it for you."

You said, while passing by Ryan he pulled you close to him and your bodies touched, he smirked and pulled you into a sweet kiss, your hand leaning on his chest and touching his body as your tongues were wrapping each other up in a passionate kiss. He pulled away from air and you bit your lip as you felt your heated up face. You both looked at each other while breathing in air and then you went to get his T-shirt. After you brought it to him and he put it on. You enjoyed breakfast, having a small chat with Ryan.

Ryan: "We should ask someone about these nightmares of yours...".

You: "Ryan... if we ask someone then I'll just be thrown in a looney bin."

Ryan: "We need to get help, I don't like seeing you scared, crying or in pain every morning, or at random intervals."

You: "And who can help me? My own mother couldn't take the pain away..,"

Ryan grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes.

Ryan: "We'll solve this out, I promise."

You smiled at him as you continued your breakfast, when you were done, and you were washing some dishes Ryan got out, not telling you where he was going but you had a pretty good idea.

*Ryans POV*

I couldn't help myself, she clearly didn't want help, but seeing her suffer every morning was like torture for me, I needed to find someone, most likely an exorcist. Or someone that can tell me that this is all just a bad nightmare...

I went and asked a few people, one of them told me about a person called Toby Copper, he deals with paranormal stuff, another person told me about B0red, an exorcist. I decided to contact both of them and meet them up in a caffeteria where we could talk.

Once they arrived, we all sat down.

B0red: "So, why did you call us?"

Ryan: "Listen you guys, my girlfriend suffers from these nightmares/visions and, I want you to help her."

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