Chapter 11

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Hiro's P.O.V

What the heck did I do? I told her that her laugh was cute. But what if she doesn't like me?! No no no! I like Katy everything is fine, right? I felt really confused. I pushed my hair back I like I always do when stressed.

I was still outside of her door. I sighed and walked downstairs. I glanced back  before walking out the door. When I came out the others were waiting there. "What are you guys doing here?! I thought you left?!" I said surprised. "Nah we've been here." Fred answered.

"Well let's go." I walked over to car. "Well?" I asked then everyone got up and came over. We sat in our places and went to my house.

"Hey guys!" Aunt Cass said. "Hey Aunt Cass!" We all greeted.


He thought my laugh was cute! I was freaking out of excitement in the inside. I wanted to hug him though I don't think that's a good idea. I was shocked but happy at the same time.

Is this even a good feeling?

I didn't care I was too happy. I grabbed my phone and began looking for Ginger's name.

Y/N: Guess what!

Ginger: What!

Y/N: Hiro said my laugh was cute!

Ginger: ooo

Y/N: Hey it's not that big of a deal. Right?

Ginger: It's more than big! Anyways gtg

Y/N: Okay bye.

Was I fangirling? No that's not me at all just relax and everything will be alright. I took deep breaths but I couldn't stop smiling. I went downstairs to eat something. Since tommorow was Christmas. I put the Christmas tree up. Baked cookies, put up two stockings up, put decorations everywhere and went gift shopping.

I bought a chew toy for Summer and a (what you want) for myself. I thought about buying Hiro something. So I bought him a 3-D tablet. I then went home and ate a few cookies. Once I was done with everything I looked outside.

It was already dark and instead of going into my room to sleep I slept on the sofa. I hugged Summer closely and we drifted of to a beautiful dream.


I woke up to the cool winter air. I looked outside and it was snowing. I didn't feel like going anywhere. I knew Hiro was probably with his Aunt and his friends.

I went downstairs grabbed my coat and rolled Summer in a blanket. I left Summer in my room which was freezing cold. I grabbed Hiro's present and went over to his house. The gift was wrapped in red and it only said to Hiro.

I put the gift next to the door, knocked on the door and hid behind the dumpster. Hiro came out and picked it up. He looked around and went back inside.

I should've worn something warmer. I ran back home. I opened the gift I bought myself after I brought Summer downstairs. She ripped her gift open and began squeaking the chew toy which was a pig.

I giggled at how cute she looked. I took a picture and she came running over. We ate cookies after a while. She ate the vanilla ones since she can't eat chocolate. I ate (fav. flavor) cookies and then we snuggled in a blanket. We watched The Nightmare before Christmas and then (fav. movie).

While we were watching (fav. movie), Summer and I fell asleep.


Yay Merry Christmas again! Any who you didn't celebrate with your mom because you wanted Summer there. So yay!

Question am I the only Hidashi fan that is writing a Hiro x reader?

Hidashi- Hiro x Tadashi. I know they're brothers but come on!

Meepspark1 out~!

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