Chapter 14

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Hiro's P.O.V

Y/N and I walked into the mansion where we got greeted by Summer. We sat down on the couch which felt sort of akward. You know cause we kissed here. "So..." I began. "Do you wanna continue where we left off or..." But before I could finish Y/N just kissed me.

Her arms went around my neck and I lifted her onto my lap. I put my arms around her waist and we kept kissing. We stopped and looked into each others eyes. We laughed quietly. She put her head on my shoulder and turned her body around.

We were just cuddling there. "Is it me or does this couch want us to kiss?" I asked. "The couch wants us to kiss." Y/N nodded. Before I knew it Y/N had fallen asleep on me.


Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up to snoring Hiro hugging me. It felt good and I wanted to stay in his arms but unfortunately I had to do other things. I to back of the house to do laundry. Then I did the dishes and other things.

I finished and when I walked into the living room I saw Hiro hugging Summer close to his chest. He was smiling a bit too, so I decided to take a picture. I shook him so he'd wake up but instead he kept whining.

"Wake up genius!" I screamed into his ear. He sprung up and looked at me with wide eyes. He was breathing heavily and you could hear his heart pounding loudly. I shrugged and said "You wouldn't wake up." He just fell back on the couch.

"Hey? Let's go somewhere it's still sunny outside?" I said with a cheery face. "Alright. Wanna go to the park or to the movie theater?" He asked. "Why don't we see if we have time for both?" I asked.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's not waist time!" Hiro grabbed me by the wrist and we ran out the door.


We were sitting next to the pond. The sunset was shining perfectly on the rippling water. I took my shoes off and rolled up my jeans. I then stuck my feet into the cool water. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Hiro asked and I nodded.

"Well we should get going to the movie theater." Hiro said pulling me up. I looked at my feet. "What?" He asked. "They're still wet." I replied. "Get on my back." He motioned.

I hoped onto his back and he grabbed my shoes. We then headed out to watch a movie.

Once we got there I put my shoes on and we bought tickets to (favorite movie). They were playing it for today so I was really happy.


After the movie we walked home. Hiro could tell I felt cold so he put his jacket over my shoulders. But instead of most girls I actually put my arm into the actual jacket.

Once we got to my house we kissed goodbye and I walked in.


Hope you liked. Sorry for the long wait. I went to the movies to watch Annie and the we had a party. Idk if today was good or not.

Meepspark1 out~!

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