Hatori Sohma

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'What a long day of school. And nothing interesting even happen.' I groan, repositioning my bag. 

I look over at a small park, wondering if I'll see anything interesting. Because, I know that as soon as I get home, it's homework, dinner, TV, homework, sleep. Nothing interesting, nothing new. 

In the park, a familiar face sits, looking as bored as a board of wood. Hatori Sohma. I don't know how, but he's looks even better when he's not surrounded by Shigure and Ayame. 

'Sohma....' I walk up to him. I don't know what I plan on doing, I just feeling like talking. Gosh, I'm gonna make a fool of myself.

'Oh, it's you. Is there something you want?' Clearly he is not happy to see me. 

'Um, well, it's just that you were all alone. And it's kinda starting to get late.... and well.... I got nothing else.'

'It's fine.' He sorta smiles. 'I'm just waiting on Ayame and Shigure to finally stop talking to whoever they're talking to, so we can get going.'

'Why don't you just good ahead and walk on without them?' I ask, sitting down next to him on the bench.

'Because, I'm forced to keep an eye on them.'

'Oh! So, they're less like your friends, and more like the crazy children you have to babysit?' I laugh.

'I guess it's a bit like that.' He shrugs. 

'You've got a lottt of patience then. I don't think I could do it. Those two are definitely something else.' I point out.

'Not really patience, more of tolerance.' He shrugs.

'Hm. So you just wait around for them? Seems kinda boring.' 

'A bit. But, I don't it's nice to just be able to sit, unwind. Not have to hear those two chatterboxes going crazy.' 

'Well, I'd hate to destroy all of your quiet time, so I should get going then.' I stand up.

'Oh, right. Uh, have a nice walk.'

'I will. And uh, you too. Whenever, that is, that you do walk home.' I smile. And for the first time, he seems to genuinely smiles. Which, of course, makes me feel very warm and fluffy instead. Which I find funny, because a seahorse, is making me feel warm, and fluffy. 

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