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"Hello, who is this?" I ask, answering the phone.

It's been a week since the whole incident with Hatori, and the curse, and of course mine and Shigure's conversion. I've tried to talk to Hatori, but I've just not had the courage to. Especially since his Dad passed on Saturday. Shigure told me. He's been coming around the apartment a lot, to check on Keruno, who still won't go back to the Estate. And to make sure I'm doing okay.

"This is Kazuma Sohma, am I speaking to Tanaka Hashi?" A male voice asks. Kazuma Sohma, the man who runs the Sohma family dojo, and who took Kyo in. I was wondering when I would get around to meeting him.

"Yes, you are." But what could he be calling me to talk about?

"I have recently been asked by a person who must remain nameless, to meet you. They've told me some things, which I would like to talk to you about. When is your next free day?"

My brain racks, wondering who it is that told him to talk to me. At first, I think Kyo. But he's too young. I've never even spoken a word to little Kyo. Then there's of course Akito, or Shigure. But, which one of them.

"Uh, I'm free on Saturday and Sunday."

"Wonderful, come to the Sohma Dojo on Saturday at ten. We will have a lot to talk about. And, I look forward to meeting you in person, Hashi-san."

"Of course. Saturday. I'll be there." I hang the phone up, as Keruno walks in.

"Who was that?"

"Someone." I don't lie. I just don't specify who.


"I've very happy you came, Hashi-san. I was worried that my odd phone call might have uh, scared you away." Kazuma says, greeting me at the door.

"Oh no. It wasn't weird. I've had a lot worse. And, please, just call me Tanaka. It's easier." I wave frantically.

"Alright then, Tanaka. Please, come in. And, would you like something to drink?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I had tea right before I left for here. I actually swung by the Main House to speak to Akito." I say.

"So, you really are as close to the Head as I've been told?"

"I'd like to think so. But, I can't for sure. Akito and I have a lot of things in common. Both of us were held very highly by are fathers, and then, due to our mothers, things crashed and burned. Although mine is very different than hers." I explain.

"I don't mean to sound pushy, but, please, explain."

"Well, it's hard to really explain. But, how do I start? My father and I had been relatively close, he always had me playing volleyball, since it had been his dream until he hurt his leg. But all my life my mother had had depression, and I was never close to her. She then, uh, she died one day. And I wasn't particularly sad about it. And my father was outraged by this. Long story short, we've never had a long conversation without it turning into yelling since her death. So, that's why I live with my Sobo now. It's much easier." I avoid telling him that she had committed suicide, for many reasons. One, I still hate telling people the whole truth. Two, I know Kyo is probably somewhere around here, and his mother had committed suicide, and his father had also gone psycho at the poor child. 

"Ah, I see. Then you also have plenty in common with Kyo. He was in a similar circumstance. While I wouldn't say he and his father were ever close, his mother's unfortunate death hit the nail on the head." Kazuma sighs. 

I never realized that I had so much in common with Kyo. I knew I could relate to Akito. But, Kyo had slipped out of my mind. Which is surprising. I used to LOVE Kyo. 

"You said, you had something to talk to me about? On the phone. What was it?" I ask.

"Well you see, I first wanted to thank you. Because of your influence on the Head, Kyo will no longer be put in confinement. I must admit, I didn't think anyone could persuade that child. Spoiled, led to believe it was a God. It's honestly harmful, to raise a child like that." Kazuma grits his teeth.

"Yes, I saw that. When I first met Akito. Stuck in a disillusive bubble. I'm glad I was able to help. I don't think I'd able to sleep at night, if I hadn't taken the opportunity. Seeing how so much as changed, for the better." I agree.

"It makes me feel so joyful. Watching Kyo playing and smiling, and knowing that in the future, that smile, and that boy who it belongs to, won't be trapped in a cage. Like an animal. You've saved his life. And for that, I owe you mine." He bows. 

"Oh shoot, no. You don't owe me anything. I promise! I'm sure if I hadn't come along and done something, you would have done anything to keep Kyo from being confined. You care about him so much." I'd rather not have this guy owe me anything. Correction, I'd rather not have anyone owe me anything. 

"Yes. You're right."

"I have a question, who did ask you to meet with me? I promise I won't be upset, and I've narrowed it down to two people. I just wanna know which of those two people it was." I ask. Please tell me.

"Well, I feel a little bad, betraying his trust. But, Hatori Sohma did."

"He what?" The answer catches me off guard. Surely not. Hatori, did, this? But... but why?

"Yes, he seemed almost ashamed though to ask me to talk to you. I obviously don't want to dive into the two of yours personal business. But, I'm assuming something went wrong in your friendship." Yes that's right, friendship. He's been friend zoned.

"Uh. We, uh, got in an argument last week. It didn't go too well." Well, I guess I have to now go confront him. And talk to him. Because it's a little weird that he asked Kazuma to talk to me. 

"I see."

"Do you know what the time is?" I ask.

"Eleven, if you want, you can stay for lunch." He suggests.

"Oh, no. I need to go do something. But thank you for the offer." I say. I need to go talk to a seahorse about WHAT IS GOING ON IN HIS MIND!

"Of course, let me see you out." He stands up along with me.

"I do have one request before I leave." I rub my arms together.

"Yes, whatever you need." He smiles.

"Do you think I could call you sensei, instead of Kazuma?" I ask. He's always seemed like the type of person everyone would call sensei, and not just his students.

"I don't see a problem with that. Everyone else seems to call me that. So, I see no problem with you calling me that as well." He says as I pull on my sneakers.

"Great. Well, I am very happy I got to meet you, Sensei. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other around." I say.

"Yes, you'll have to come again, so that you can see Kyo." He suggests.

"Oh, I'd love too."

I leave the dojo unsure of what to say to Hatori when I see him. How do I even begin the conversation. When I have so much to talk about. So much to say. 

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙚  -𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙚𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘-Where stories live. Discover now