The New Student Body Pesident

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"Tanaka! I must speak with you! It's urgent!" The student body president, Saki Totorokai, comes into the girls locker room, where I'm changing out of my PE clothes.  

"Right now?" I ask.


"Well, can't you talk to me here?" All of the girls are staring at her and me.

"No. It's uh, private." She tells me.

"Let me finished getting dressed. And then we can go out." I peel my shirt on over my sweaty body.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" I ask, once we're out in the hall.

"Is it true you quit the volleyball team?" She asks. It is true. After the whole feud with Dad, I decided to quit the team and focus more on my studies, and making spending time with the friends I have outside of the Sohma family. 

"Yes. It is." 

"Then will you take over being the Student Body President when the new school year starts?" She asks.

"Uh, geez. I mean, if you want me too. It's not like I'm your ideal candidate." I shrug.

"According to your classmates, you are very friendly, responsible, and you have the GPA needed for the class. Also, because you often have to work with the boy's school, we want the next president to be pretty." 

"So that's the real reason. You want a pretty face representing the school?" I smirk.

"Also, because you have to run around so much, you're given the option to wear shorts instead of skirts."

"I was already willing to do it, but now I'm sold. Shorts, here I come!" I smack my hands together in happiness. 

"Wonderful! You'll make a wonderful president, I'm sure. If only I could stay in the Student Body Council and watch you lead it so wonderfully."

"Okay, now you're just making this weird." I say, as the girls begin to file out of the Locker Room.

"On the final day of school, which is in six weeks, come by the Student Body Council Room for some instructions. I'll remind you again, once it's closer to the time be." She tells me.


"TANAKA! I have the most wonderful news to tell you!" Ayame loudly says coming up to me and one of my classmates.

"You're way to loud, you know that?" I sigh.

"Yes, well, in order to make myself heard, I must be loud!" He tells me.

"Well, what exactly is it you want to tell me?" I remind him.

"Oh! I forgot about that!" He exclaims. "Yours truly, has been asked to become to Student Body President!" 

"Rin, do you know if Saki is still around?" I turn to my classmate.


"Because I don't want to be the Student Body President here if he's the President over there!" I exclaim.

"Oh! You're going to be the President here? Well! What a joyous day! We must go celebrate!" 

"No! We don't need to celebrate!" I snap at him. 

"Aya, let's go. We've got a test to study for!" Shigure calls out. 

"Yes, I forgot completely about that! Well, until we next see each other again, Tanaka. I look forward to being president with you." He says.

"Can I ask you a question, Tanaka?" Rin asks.


"What did I just witness? It was so bright and blinding. Almost painful." She says, removing her glasses and wiping them.

"I don't even know." I admit. 

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙚  -𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙚𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘-Where stories live. Discover now