You First!

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Shigure and I walk into the Main House together. I'm concerned about what Akito is going to say to him. In the canon, he was the closet to Akito, but this isn't the canon.

When we reach the door for Akito's room, I grab him hand and squeeze it. "Tanaka, if you're scared, then I'm going to lose all confidence." He tells me.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm scared, but also excited." I whisper. 

"I'll be fine. You'll be fine." He smiles at me. "We'll be fine."

He lets go of my hand and slides the door open. Akito jumps away from the doorway, where she had been crouched. 

"I WASN'T EAVESDROPPING I SWEAR!" She shouts in defense as we stare at her.

"Aw, Akito, I didn't know you cared so much about me!" Shigure says in a mocking tone.

"I don't. I care about Tanaka." She sticks her tongue out. 


"I already know what you've come to talk about. I felt it break." She gets up off the ground and looks at Shigure. "Your curse."

Shigure kicks at the floor, not looking at her. 

"I knew this would happen soon. After Keruno's curse was broken, and then Koharu has been the only person that when the curse went to her head, she is fighting it. Instead of going completely insane like others. I didn't know who it would be though." She sniffs, wiping a tear away.

I sit down on the floor next to her. "I'm glad though. I really am! I don't want to have to be your God or anyone else's God. I just want to be me, Akito!" She smiles, as tears begin to roll down her cheek.

How is it even possible that someone so young, can be so wonderful. So brave. "I love you so much!" I hug her. 

"Wow. I uh, I didn't expect this." Shigure admits, rubbing his head. "I thought for sure you'd be mad that in about two weeks the curse has been broken for two people."

"Has it only been two weeks?" I ask.

"About." I completely missed school today, because I was supposedly recovering. 

"Time sure does fly when there's drama going on." Akito comments, trying to brighten the mood.

"That's one way to put it." Shigure agrees.


"Tanaka? Are you leaving yet?" Shigure asks coming into the room I was staying in.

"Not yet. What's up?" I ask.

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you. About some things." He sits down next to me on the porch.

"About what?"

"When did you decide you liked me?" He asks.

I snort. "Uh, you got to be a lot more specific about liking you. There's a lot of different types." 

"You know what I mean. Don't play dumb with me, you know it never works." He's not wrong.

"Why does it matter to you?" I don't answer him directly for multiple reasons. One of them being that I'm not completely sure. Also because I need to know that he's not going to completely make fun of me for liking him. 

"Reasons." Gosh, this is the problem with liking someone as stubborn as yourself. No one ever gives in.

"Well, I need to know your reasons, before I tell you mine." I shrug.

"Come on, Tanaka. Are you seriously not going to tell me it, even though I already know you like me."

"You go first." I say.

"No you, they always tell boys let ladies go first." He smirks. "And if you aren't a lady, then I don't know who is."

"Stop!" I burry my face in my hands to hide the fact that I'm blushing. 

"Fine. I'll tell you why. I want to know why the heck someone like you would fall for me, when you and Hatori clearly liked each other." He says. "And he clearly gave you the chance to get back with him, but you didn't."

"I think I started liking you after the whole incident in the café. So you're wrong." I state.

"No. I'm pretty sure you started likely me right before then. When you started laughing again because of me."

I had forgotten about that, somehow. "Uh, what makes you think that."

"My sixth sense!" He strikes a pose.

"Sure. But, uh, you're wrong. I actually didn't start liking you until the morning we had our talk." I correct him. 

"So that was when you decided it too?" He looks at me with those gorgeous greenish-gray eyes. 

"I didn't know you cared for me, Shigure. I thought I was simply being a dumb teenage girl with a crush." I bluff.

"I'd be dumb not to." He says leaning closer to me.

Just go for it, Tanaka. I tell myself. I mean, I technically has experience from two different times. And I don't want to wait a let him go first. 

So I do, I kiss him. And he rolls with it. A lot more than Hatori did. It is a lot more relaxed, compared to my first kiss. I guess it's because this time isn't making up for an almost kiss that didn't happen. This is simply because I want to. No strings attached, no reason other than two people liking each other. 

And I like it like that. And clearly he does to, because there is tongue. I have never had tongue. Never even thought about having a tongue kiss. Because in the past I have always just thought about overcoming the first kiss. And now, I'm proud to say, I have. 

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