The Dog's Disguise

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It's been three months, since I gained my memory. And two since I "befriended" Akito. I feel like things have gone increasingly well. I've gotten "close" to the boys, and Koharu. But, everyone still thinks I have no idea the curse of the Zodiac exists. 

'Tanaka, there's someone on the phone for you!' Sobo calls out to me.

'Coming!' I close my Biology work book.


'Is this Tanaka?' Shigure's voice asks through the phone. 

'Uh... yes. This is she.' I know I've gotten "close" to him and the others, but it's not like him to call me. The only person who calls me is Koharu. And usually it's asking for homework help.

'Good. I was wondering if you are free on Friday evening? I have some things I need to talk to you about.' 

This could be a trap. I know Shigure is not someone you can really trust. I mean, in the manga, he was this cunning, plotting character. He always keeps his true intentions hidden. 'What things?'

'I can't tell you. It's private.' He tells me. 'WHAT MOM? NO, IT'S NOT SEX!'

'You need a moment?' I ask.

'No. I'm sorry about her. So, will you be coming or not?'

'I'll think about it.' I tell him.

'I'm going to need an answer by tomorrow morning Tanaka. Also, I trust you won't tell anyone about this... correct?' His voice goes suddenly cold.

'Of course.' I hang up the phone. I'm either about to ruin my chances to stop the blizzard of pain from coming, or I'm going to get a heater to fight it. 


'I'm so glad you decided to join me, Tanaka. This seems like a date.' He teases when I arrive at OctoPlace.

'It's not. So don't act like it is.' I sniff. 'Besides, I want to get down to business. What the heck did you want to talk to me about?'

'You know about the curse. And don't try to play dumb. I know you know. And I also know, that you know Akito, and have been hanging around with her in private whenever you go over to Koharu's house. But, I might be wrong, I don't think Koharu knows about this.' Oh wow. He did not even ease into it. He just, SMACK, hit me with it.

'And how do you know that?'

'Because, it might not be obvious to the others, but those who always have hidden intentions can tell when someone else does. And you have hidden intentions Tanaka. Don't play dumb with me.'

You're right, Shigure. I do have hidden intentions. But they're much greater than yours. Yours, only are for you. Mine, are for everyone in the Zodiac, including you. 'You saw something, didn't you? Because I have no hidden intentions.' 

Stop nervously jiggling your leg, Tanaka. You'll give yourself away. 'Maybe I did. But that's not important. No, what's important is that I have a deal, I'd like to strike up with you.'

'And what's this deal?'

'You have to help me break the curse.' He says.

I snort. You can't break the curse that easily. That's not how it works. 'Oh yeah? And what makes you think that either of us could break the curse?'

'I'll tell you how. You know how to. I don't know how you know. But, you do.' I do know kinda how the curse is broken, but, I can't do anything to break it.

'And what would you do if I didn't help you?" I ask.

'Oh, I tell Akito's mother, Ren, a truly horrifying woman, that her child is going around with a possibly dangerous stranger.' 

'No. You wouldn't.' I know he's bluffing.

'And why wouldn't I?'

'Because you're to scared of Akito. All of your members of the Zodiac are. But, I will tell you one thing I know about the curse, and breaking it. When all twelve members of the Zodiac are together, the final banquet will be held.' I stand up out of the booth. 

'Is that so?'

'Yes. And Shigure, I hope you'll keep you promise.'

'And what promise is that, dear Tanaka?'

'We speak about this to no one.' 

'I have no intentions in breaking the promise then.'

'Oh, and one last thing, Shigure. For being the dog spirit, you're a lot more like a fox. Too cunning for your own good.' 

'Well, for barely knowing me Tanaka, you sure have hit the nail on it's head. The dog is simply a disguise.' 

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