The Break

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I feel so numb when I get home after sobbing in that café with Mayuko. She stayed there, drying my tears with napkins, and hugging me. I barely know her, but I owe my life to her. 

"Tanaka, don't you hear the door knocking? Go up and get it." Sobo says, turning down the TV.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't." I stand up, and slowly make my way to the door. If it's Hatori, begging for forgiveness, then I will slam the door on his face. I'll tell him through the door he was right, and then leave.

I open the door, and am shocked to see Keruno soaked, with the weirdest expression on his face. "Keruno..."

Before I can do anything, he pulls me into an embrace. I don't know why he's doing this, he'll transform any moment. And then, Sobo will see.

But it doesn't come. For an eternity we're hugging. Even though he's cold and wet. The sense of freedom runs, no gallops, through me. Like a bird released from a cage.

"I'm free." He finally says. 

I don't know how to respond to this. The feeling of freedom, of the bird being released from the cage, was no coincidence. He's free. The curse, is breaking. And I had nothing to do with it. It broke on it's own. 

"Kureno, I'm so... so happy." I say through the happiest of tears beginning to run down my face. "You're really free."

"Yes. I am." He joins in on the happy crying. 

The memory of Shigure thanking me for giving him the hope he needed comes through my mind. How he told me, I had helped all of the Zodiac. Maybe they didn't yet understand it. But I had. 

In the manga, Keruno didn't leave Akito when his curse broke. He stayed, because he saw all the help she needed. Yet here he is. With me. 


"She told me, to leave. I deserved the freedom, is what she said." Keruno says, almost sadly. 

"Tanaka, what is going on in here?" Sobo enters the room.

"Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry." Keruno apologizes.

"Uh, Sobo, this is a friend of mine. You wouldn't mind if he stayed, just for a bit." I ask.

"Not at all. I'll leave you to whatever you need to do." She walks away.

"Keruno, what was Akito's, uh, reaction or emotions towards this?" I need to know. My heart picks up speed. I know I've been using her emotions for my own benefit. But, I won't abandon her. 

"She was difficult to understand. She looked almost sad, but also, somewhat relieved. Like I said, it was hard to understand." He sighs.

"I see. Well, let me see if he have some clothes for you to change into, and of course you should probably shower." I say, making a mental checklist.


"Yes?" I look back at him, his eyes are filled with light.

"Thank you, for everything."

"It's my pleasure." I smile back at him. You might be, the only person I was never trying to be the Tooru for. I was always real around you, sharing my thoughts, teasing and joking with you. You have been the only person. You deserve this.


"Akito, Akito!" I quietly say, pulling of my kitsune mask. I tap again on the glass, praying she'll hear me, and not someone else.

"Tanaka? What are you doing here, so late?" She asks, pulling the sliding door open.

"I came to see you." I crawl into the hall. 

"Why? Wait! Keruno, is he with you?" She asks, concern filling her face.

"Yes. He's at my Sobo's apartment. He's fine." I assure her. 

"So, you know? About the curse? That's is breaking?" Her eyes fill with tears.

"I do." I bite my lip.

"Do you think I did the right thing, letting him go like I did? I mean, I guess, I'm no longer God over him." She frets.

"Akito, you did more than fine. You let go, you freed him. You did something most people twice your age wouldn't have the strength to do. I probably wouldn't have the strength to do." I tell her.

"That's not true, Tanaka! You're kind, and loving, and hard-working. And yes, maybe you do lie occasionally, but who doesn't?! I'm sure you would have done better than me!" Akito states.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Hatori sure doesn't think that. He called me out today, for all the lying I've done." I explain.


"Akito, he's right. I should have asked you to let me tell Koharu the truth. And I shouldn't have done so much lying and corner-cutting. And doing things for my own good." I don't want to cry again today. I've already done enough of that. 

"Tanaka, I don't know what you're talking about."

"No one does. Only I do. That's how much I've done. I'm not too sure if I'm really that nice of a person, or if I'm just lying and acting like it." I put my head in my hands.

"I might not know much, about love, and about being kind. It's still all new. But, I know this, I remember seeing that fiery glow in your eyes, when Mother tried to slap me, and you stopped her. You were the most real person I had ever met. You stood up for me, you spoke your mind. You did what was right, and sought to right a wrong. If that's not kindness or love, then I don't know what is. You took Keruno in, you could have chosen not to. But you did. You are a kind person. You just have lied for so long to others, and yourself, you can't see it." Akito pulls my hands away from my face. 


"And if Hatori, or any one else can't see the real good you've done. For me, for Keruno, and for whoever else. Then they're lying to themselves." Akito looks me straight in the eyes. Her dark eyes burn with a bright fire.

"I love you so much! You crazy little girl!" I cry, wrapping her in a hug.

And that's all it is for minutes. Me, hugging her, crying. 

The curse is breaking. Times are changing. And the manga, the cannon, it no longer applies to me. I don't need to be Tooru. I simply need to be me. Tanaka. Tanaka Hashi. 

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