You Won't Be Alone

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"You know Keruno, with the way you talk, I'd think you'd been a girl yourself." I tease him as we walk into the sun room. 

"I didn't mean it like that, Tanaka. You know that. I'm just saying that...." I sit down on a sofa.

"That.... EKKKKK!" I jerk up out of the sofa. "What on earth?"

I look down at the sofa cushion, and see that a small yellow bunny, that blended in with the sofa, is laying down on the spot I was just sat my butt. "Oh my gosh! I just killed it!" 

"Killed what?" Keruno comes over to me. "You didn't kill Momoji."

"I think I did." I sob, picking up the little yellow rabbit. I sat on Momoji Sohma, and I'm going to be sent to jail for murder. And then I'll have no way to stop all of the snow. 

"He's still breathing, Tanaka. You barely put your butt on the sofa." 

"Keruno, why are you talking about Tanaka's butt?" Akito asks, coming into the sun room.

"I killed Momoji." I sob, looking up at the glass roof, in which the rain is beating against.

"You didn't kill him." Keruno says again.

"I'll pay you a thousand yen if you did." Akito grins her little devil grin.

"Akito! What have we talked about, and encouraging death?" Keruno snaps.

"Okay, okay. I got it. Why is he even here though? Doesn't he have his own house?" Akito asks Keruno.

"Did you literally forget what an hour ago?" 

"What happened an hour ago?" I ask. I just arrived like five minutes ago, before it started raining.

"Momoji's mother had to have her memories suppressed. She uh, she never took the fact that her child was a Zodiac animal well. And she nearly killed herself. So, Momoji has to live here." Kureno sighs.

"Oh. OH." My eyes widen. I can feel snow beginning to pile up. Momoji's hurt just happened. And I NEARLY KILLED HIM!

Hatori. My mind snaps. He would have been the one to have repressed her memories. He talked about in the manga, that he was cold snow, even before Kana. Because of the fact, he had to take so many memories of love, and of pain and erase them. He said his hands were some of the dirtiest.

"Where's Hatori's house. I need to return something to him?" I ask quickly. It isn't a lie. I forgot to give him back the jacket he let me borrow that cold night after the movie. 

"I wouldn't go over there if I were you, Tanaka. After the memory supressions, he's always uh, off." Keruno suggests.

"Let her go if she wants to. She's obviously in love with him, Kureno. Let her believe her love can help him, with whatever." Akito snickers.

"What are you talking about? I really do need to return his jacket to him, and I don't want to forget about it, again." I snap.

"Sorry. Sorry. Um, just a warning, Hatori's father isn't the most welcoming." Akito apologizes. 

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you, Akito. It's just, I have a lot going on right now." I apologize back.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have been making fun of you." She looks away. 

Knock. Knock. I swallow hard. I wonder what Hatori will say when he sees me. He probably won't be very happy to see me. I'm not Kana, I'm not his spring. I can't say things that make him feel better like she did. 

"Oh, it's you." He opens the door. 

"I needed to bring back your jacket, that uh, you let me barrow last week. And uh, I have some things I want to talk to you about." I gulp. 

"Come in." He pushes the door open wider. 

"Thank you." 

"Hatori who's at the do.... Oh, you must be Tanaka." Hatori's Mom, I suppose, says coming into the entrance room.

"Yes, I am." I shake her hand. 

"Well, don't let me bother you two. I'll be in the kitchen." She's all teeth and smiles. I don't know why Akito said I needed to worry about her. 

"Let's go for a walk. We shouldn't talk here." He grabs my arm, and an umbrella and the takes me back outside. 

"Why are we going on a walk? It's raining." I ask.

"My caretaker, is uh, well, she's not very trusting of teenage girls. And I'm sure you have something private you want to talk about." So that woman wasn't his Mom?

"Am I really that obvious?" I pout.

"A bit. I know how to detect these things. You and Shigure act very similar. But also, very different." He sighs. "So, why did you come?"

"Well, it's just, you had to suppress someone's memories. And, I'm not expert on the matter. But, I can imagine it would be very hard. And depressing." I say.

"You're not wrong. it's very difficult. Having to erase memories that are very dear for some people. Even if it brings a lot of pain." Hatori explains to me.

"It would make a person feel like snow. Frozen. With no hope for spring." I say. Gosh, I never realized just how similar I am to Hatori. In this life and the past. Although I'm trying to fight against the snow. I have my own snow. My own frozen heart. 

"That's..... that's exactly how I feel." He quietly says. "Like forever snow."

"Well, you're not alone. I have my own snow." I turn to look at him. He's trying to hide the fact that he's crying. 

"It's okay to be snow. Spring will come." I tell, wiping the tears off his face. "And then it will just be a distant faint memory. And when the snow comes again, you'll be stronger. And you'll never have to go through this alone." 

He puts his warm hand on my face. I think about how this is like a movie. I've never gotten the close to kissing a boy. In this life, or my past life. In my past life everyone I knew seemed to bully me and hate me. In this life, people don't hate me, but, I'm not exactly your Queen Bee.

But, he doesn't kiss me. After a few minutes of the two of us just staring into each others eyes, he announces he needs to go home, and leaves. With his jacket this time. 

It hurts. Because, when Kana and him had had this significant conversation, they had ended up kissing. But, I guess that's what happens when you try and talk to a teenage him about it. You end up still holding onto your K-card. "I hate you Kana Sohma." I mutter, walking home, instead of back to the Main House. 

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙚  -𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙚𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘-Where stories live. Discover now