It Never Snowed

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-- 10 Years Later --

I lay in bed in silence. The weight of all that's happening today weighs down on me. 

"We need to get going, we've got a lot to do today." Shigure finally breaks the silence.

"Ten years to the day." I say. It feels so weird, it seems like it was only yesterday that Keruno arrived at Sobo's apartment, soaked in rain water, and in the freedom of the curse being broken.

"Ten years." Shigure says. 

So much has happened in those ten years. I went to college, I got married, had a kid.  My Dad finally stopped mourning over my mother's death, and while the two of us didn't exactly become close again, we can now have a conversation without it ending in arguing, and before Shigure and I got married, he had to go get Dad's blessing to marry me. 

Much to both me and Shigure's disgust, Ayame and Saki got married. And thank goodness, after years of Hatori and Mayu liking each other, but dragging their feet, the two of them are finally dating. And through a series of surreal events, Kyo met and fell in love with Tooru Honda, who I never expected to actually come into my life. 


"Well, I didn't expect to see you so early in the day." Akito says as I arrive at the Main House.

"I wanted to come by and see you."

"But you didn't bring Mitsuki?" Akito sighs in disappointment.

"We never have us time anymore Akito."

"Yeah, but she's not even going to be at the celebration tonight." I was not going to miss the opportunity to have an evening without a toddler constantly needing your attention.

"If you love her so much, you should just take her. Then Shigure and I would forever be in your debt." I say as she pours some tea. 

"So, did what did you want? You never come to the Main House without needing something." She coughs into the sleeve of her shirt.

"I wanted to see how you were doing. Since, you get that weird sickness whenever the anniversary comes around." I tell her. 

Every year since the curse broke, on it's anniversary, Akito gets sick and no one can exactly explain what it is. Shigure thinks that it's the last strain of the curse being revived, but who really knows.

"I'm doing fine. Each year it gets lighter and lighter. I'm sure before I know it, I won't even be suffering from it." 

"That first year was really rough on you, so I'm glad to hear that it's easing up." The first year, she felt like she was dying, it was so bad. 

"So, has Keruno told you what he decided to do for the food? He refuses to tell me." Akito asks.

"No. I'm sorry, he hasn't told me. But, you know he always makes sure the food order is good." I remind her.

"I know. But I wish I knew what it was. Mainly because, Tadashi is coming tonight." She presses her fingers together a looks at the ground. Tadashi Riyuo is a guy she met in high school, who she's been going out with for three months now. 

"So you decided that it's time he finally met the whole family?" I ask. 

Shigure and I met him the first week they were dating, merely by accident. But, that being said, from the one time I've met him, I like him. He's a good match for Akito. He reminds me of a less scheming and more 2D version of Shigure. Which, according to the manga, she was into that. And sometimes it keeps me up at night thinking about it. 

"Yes. I'm a little worried about certain people, but, I'm sure he'll be able to uh, deal with it. Apparently his own extended his family is rather crazy." She tells me.

"Yes, but the Sohma-Zodiac family, is uh, another type of crazy. Don't worry, if it gets to much for him, just have Mayuko talk to him. She's the least crazy of all of us, and that's saying something." Even though Mayu and Hatori have only been dating for half a year, she's already family. 


"So how come you're standing off to the side, all alone?" Keruno asks during the celebration.

"I'm simply soaking everything up. This feels like a dream to me. Like I'm going to wake up, and it's going to be ten years ago. And none of this had happened." I sigh.

"Well, I'm sure you don't have to worry about it being a dream. This is all very real."

"What's very real?" Shigure asks, coming up to us. "The fact that you don't have a girlfriend?"

"Why do you always have to bring that up? It's not that big of a deal." Keruno groans.

"You know, Hatori's assistant, Kana Sohma, she's single. And very attractive." I tell him.

"I'm not going to dater Hatori's assistant. That's just weird." 

"No it's really not." Shigure shakes his head. 

"Is it so wrong that I'm twenty-five, and I haven't ever had a girlfriend?" 

"Yes." The two of us say.

"You two are ridiculous. Hatori didn't get a girlfriend until six months ago, and none of you judge him because of it." Keruno argues. 

"What about me?" Hatori asks walking up.


"Keruno's mad because we're picking on him for not having a girlfriend." Shigure explains.

"Oh yeah. You definitely need a girlfriend." Hatori nods before walking away. 

I let out a small laugh, and close my eyes. All that I've done in the past ten years seem to flash before my eyes. All that I fought for, or against, I managed to win. I succeeded. Even if at sometimes it wasn't the easiest, and plenty of times I needed help from others. I did it. 

It Never Snowed. 

The End.

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙚  -𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙚𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘-Where stories live. Discover now