Akito Sohma

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'Oh man, your house is sooo nice, Koharu!' I sigh look around the entrance. 

'It's just the entrance, Tanaka. Nothing special.' She laughs. 

'Yeah, but it's so clean and nice looking. You wanna know what my Sobo's small entrance looks like?'

'What does it look like?' She asks, as she peels off her dirty school socks.

'Like a pigsty. I kid you not, it's so gross. The house is filled with the weirdest little "shrines" and knick-knacks.' I tell her.

'Sounds cool, actually. This house is waayyy to clean.' She complains.

'There's nothing wrong with a house being way too clean, Koharu.' A man, who I figure is Koharu's dad, says, coming into the front room.

'Whatever you say, Dad.' She shrugs. 'Oh Dad, this is Tanaka Hashi, a friend from school.'

'It's nice to meet you sir.' 

'The same to you.' He shakes my hands. 'Studying I presume?'

'Yes sir. We've got a Japan's History quiz coming up soon, and I'm going to help Koharu.' I tell him.

'History has never been a strong suit of anyone in this family, I believe.' Her dad tells me.

'Yup. You had two kids, yet neither of them turned out that smart.' Two kids? I didn't know Koharu had a sibling. She's never talked about them.

'You're smart, just in different ways.' He tells her. 'Well, I hate to bother the two of you and your studying. I'll be in the study if you need me.'

'You have a sibling?' I ask, when studying becomes way too quiet.

'Huh? Uh... yeah.  And older brother, he's doesn't live here anymore. He lives in Nagoya, with his girlfriend.' She tells me.

'Oh. Cool, I think.' I look back down at my books and then over at Koharu's. Hers are very messy, filled with doodles and random words. While as mine, mine is neat. Father always told me to keep my room clean, my school books clean, and my appearance clean. And it's about the only rule of his I follow. 

'You want some water? Cuz I do!' She announces, standing up.

'Uh, sure. Water would be nice.'

'Right, two waters. I'll be back in a moment.' She scurries off. 

'So weird.' I whisper, standing up, and walking over to the open sliding doors, onto the patio. 'So beautiful. Like a fairytale. Or a story.'

I close my eyes for a second. And then open them, remember that this is a story. Just hopefully, different than the original.

'Who are you?' Someone out of my view asks.

I turn on my heel to face a small, probably ten years old, kid staring at me. Pale skin contrasting starkly against the dark hair and eyes. There's no warmth in this kid. The eyes are so cold looking. And the mouth, is drawn into a tight frown.

A young Akito Sohma stands on the same patio as me. 

'Who... who am I? I... I'm Tanaka Hashi.' I stumble over my words. This was part of the plan, wasn't it? To meet Akito, to try and keep her from going to the dark side. But, uh, how, how exactly am I supposed to do it. 

'Never heard of you.' She sniffs. Think of something to say, something to brighten the mood! 

'I'm nothing special. Nothing like this beautiful garden.' Yes, Tanaka, that what a way to brighten the mood. You idiot! 

'It's fine. The gardens behind my house are much more impressive.' She tells me.

'That sure is special. Nature is so beautiful. Some people even say it's more impressive and more beautiful than most humans.'

'Those people are smart then. Most humans are stupid, wicked creatures.' Wow, only ten, and you're already a sour grape. You must remember Tanaka, Akito has been spoiled and been told her whole life that she's basically God. But, I'm ninety-nine percent sure God doesn't dress or act like this brat. 

'So what about you? Who are you?' I ask. Maybe this will help? Maybe...?

'You seriously don't know who I am? I'm Akito Sohma, the head of this clan.' She states.

'That's pretty amazing, seeing you're only a child. And you must be very brave, to be the head of a big clan like this? I don't think I could do it.' I shrug.

'It's not much.' 

'It really is. And if you say that's not much, then gosh, what is much?' I ask.

'Being God.'

'Being God would suck. You're always having to tell the difference to right or wrong. Doing what is just and good. You could never be plain ol' you. You would never have an off day. Never just a day to chill and be around to ones you love. You have to do way too many important things.' I point out. Hoping this will help.

In my past life, I remember that Akito in the manga, in the end asked her dead Dad if it was okay for her to just be plain ol' her again. Maybe, maybe, if I try, if I fight hard enough, I can stop her from turning sourer. 

'God's can do whatever they want.'

'Can they really?' 

'Uh.... yes. I saw told so.'

'By who?' 

'By everyone. Everyone tells me I can do whatever I want to do. And I am their God.' She just slipped. She wasnt' supposed to tell me that. And she realizes it.

'If you're going to be their God, then you need to learn to love. It'll help in the long run.' I tell her.

'How would you know? You're not a God.'

'No. But it's common knowledge. A life without love sucks. It's painful, lonely and awful. And leads to death. Akito, you don't have to do any of the things I've said, and I doubt you will. But it doesn't hurt to try and help a person out.' I can hear the footsteps of Koharu coming closer.  'Oh, and your secret about being God, I won't tell anyone. Not unless if you want me to.'


'You should get going, I don't think you want Koharu to see you.'

'Will I see you again?' She asks.

'Maybe. Why?'

'Nothing.' She turns and dashes off. I'm praying all of this means that there's still time. Akito sounded like she might take my advice into play. I hope she will.

'Who were you talking to?' Koharu asks, coming into the room.

'Huh? Oh, just myself. I do that sometimes.' I shrug.

'Seriously? I swear I thought I heard the head's voice. But, that doesn't make any sense. Akito would never have a reason to come over here. Even though we're literally next door neighbors.' She tells me.

'Oh, really?'

'Yeah. She's a strange thing. Her and her mother, Ren, both are. I'll never understand it.' 

You do, Koharu. You're an inside member. You're just keeping quiet on purpose. But don't worry, soon enough there will be no reason to keep quiet. I'm positive of it.

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙚  -𝘼𝙣 𝙄𝙨𝙚𝙠𝙖𝙞 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘-Where stories live. Discover now