The Walk

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"I've decided, we need to go see a movie with the boys." Koharu says in-between classes.

"Oh, really?" 

"Well yeah. You seem to have gotten close to them, even though you've only seen them after school. So we should all go see a movie." I cringe at her words. Even though I am allowed to come and go as I please at the Main House. Akito doesn't want me telling Koharu about it. Because, reasons, even though Koharu knows about the Zodiac.

"Yeah. A movie sounds great." I say, don't think about how this could go horribly wrong. She's probably going to find out, probably because a certain Snake would slip up. I'm not worried about Hatori or Shigure saying anything. 


"This is soo exciting! Our first real group hangout." Koharu excitedly says, as we enter the movie theater. 

"Not really." Hatori mutters.

"I call sitting next to Tanaka!" Shigure announces.

"Don't I have a say in this?" I fret.

"Nope. Don't worry, I'll make this movie enjoyable for you." Shigure puts his arm around me. The only thing that comes to my mind, of what he'd consider enjoyable, in a movie theater, is getting laid. And I'd rather not have that happen. 

I pull his arm off of me. "Yeah, can you not say things like that? You're uh, you're making me uncomfortable."

"I'll sit next to you, Tanaka. To make sure he doesn't try anything." Hatori promises.

"Oh, thanks." I turn to look at Koharu. Who's practically glowing, for whatever reason. 

"Help me!" I mouth to her.

"No." She mouths back. 

I am in sooooo much trouble. Why'd it have to be Shigure and Hatori? I should have taken Akito's advice and not come. I'd rather be bickering with Kureno than this. 

I'm barely paying attention to Shigure during the whole movie. I'm crying during the majority of it. It's just so touching, and sad. Which I guess is great that I'm not worried about whatever the heck Shigure is thinking about. Even though he was probably just joking about the whole "enjoyable" thing. 

"Wasn't that movie just sooo sad?" Koharu sobs as we leave the movie theater. 

"Yes. I cried through the whole thing." I agree. 

"How could you cry through that thing? It was just fluff!" Shigure says in disgust.

"I admit, I too shed a tear or two!" Aye pitches in.

"Ridiculous." Hatori rolls his eyes. 

"Hey wait, I just realized, what are going to do about walking home?" Koharu asks me.

"Home's only a few blocks away from here. I can just walk."

"Alone? That's dangerous for a young girl like yourself. You must have someone accompany you!" Aye shrieks.

"It's fine! It really is! Ya'll don't need to worry about me." I wave my hands frantically. It'll really be fine. Also, I don't want it to be Aye or Shigure who ends up walking me home. That would be bad. 

"I'll walk her home. It's only a few blocks, so ya'll can just  go ahead and go home. I'll catch up." Hatori volunteers.

Is it just me, or has Hatori been acting nicer to me than usual? "Are you sure, I can walk home alone."

"No. They're right, it wouldn't be safe. It's getting late. We should get going." Hatori shrugs.

"Well, ya'll be safe! And Hatori, don't do anything naughty." Shigure snickers.  

"I wasn't planning on doing anything of the sort." He scoffs. 

They turn and head back to the Sohma estate, and me and Hatori turn and go the other way. "I have a question for you, Tanaka? Why did you cry throughout that whole movie?" He asks.

"Well, I was kinda jealous about the heroine. That she managed to be sad when her Mom committed suicide." I stop myself. I haven't told any of them that's how Mom died. Ever since I moved here, I've not wanted to think about the thing and drove me and Dad apart.

"Your Mom committed suicide?" He asks, not even saying anything about the sad part.

"She had been battling depression my whole life. Two years ago though, it just, she gave up." I sigh. 

"I sorry to hear that."

"It's honestly, it's fine. Like I said, I wasn't said when she committed suicide. I never really had any good memories of her. She was always just there, sleeping, freaking out, laying on the couch. I mean, it was sad, because, my Dad and I never have been able to really have a relationship again. I guess I disappointed him, by not caring so much for Mom." I tell him. "I'm sorry. You probably don't want to hear about any of this."

"No. It uh, kinda explains your caring mother-like nature you have whenever you're around Akito. You see similarities between the two of you, right?" He asks.

"You know, I've never even thought about it like that. But, I guess you are right." I also just realized, in both this life and the past, suicide has been apart of it. What does that say about me?!?

"Where do you live again?" 

"Tsunobue St." I say, shivering slightly.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"Just a bit. But, it's nothing."

"Here," he hands me his jacket. "I was getting hot in it anyway."

"Uh thanks." Really? That's all you could say Tanaka? This is like, probably the most romantic thing that's ever happened in your whole two lives. And this is all you say? Dummy.

What do I say? What do I say???? WHAT DO I SAY!!!! "Oh, here we are. Tsunobue St." He breaks the silence.

THANK YOU HATORI FOR SAVING ME FROM THE AWKWARD SILENCE!!!!! "Sobo's apartment just a bit further." 

"This streets pretty clean, and empty." He comments.

"Well, a lot of people here are mostly old people. Or couples who never had any children. I think there's maybe two other kids my age living on this street." I explain. 

"Really? That must be boring."

"Not exactly. Sobo is in a poker group, so everything fourth Thursday of the month, a whole bunch of elderly women are hauled up in the apartment. And they bring so many foods and baked goods. And they call me the cutest nicknames." I grin. It's true, the other day Daigo-sama brought mochi over for me, and she always calls me Tani-chan. I love those women. 

"Huh. So then it isn't weird being surrounded entirely by elders?"

"It was a bit weird at first, but I've gotten used to it." I stop and look up at the sky. "I think it's going to snow soon."

Hatori looks up at the sky as well. "I think you might be right."

"Well, this is the apartment building. Sobo's only one floor up. So I'll be good from here. Thanks, for walking me." I tell him.

"Yeah, sure. It wasn't a problem. And uh, about earlier. With the whole Mom thing, thank you."

"For what?"

"For opening up to me. I've really enjoyed getting to know you, Tanaka." 

"I feel the same way. I've really liked getting to know you too, Hatori." 

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