A Sohma, a Shiraki, and Losing Grip

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"President, don't forget, while the teachers will cut you some slack for being late, don't be too late." Saki tells me as I tug my shorts down.

"I won't. I won't. I'm just going to make a few rounds, make sure first years are find their classes. And if any new transform students need any help to. Don't worry Saki, I won't be late to homeroom, and if I am, cover for me. Don't let Mr. Shikashi trash talk me." I wink, leaving the room.

It feels so nice, being the President. I can easily get away with being late to classes. I get to wear the arm band, so whenever I go to boy's school, I get more respect than I used to. And, all the girl's now look up to me. Plus, I wear shorts.

"Oh no, that's not right. Oh, I'm so lost." I hear someone say. My ears prick in excitement. 

"Excuse me, did I hear that you were lost?" I ask a girl with short, light brown hair and matching eyes. 

"Uh, yes. I am soo lost. I have no idea where I'm supposed to be." She whines.

"That's fine. I'm the Student Council President, it's my job to help ya people out." I shrug. "May I?"

She hands me her class schedule. First year. She's on the wrong floor. "You're on the wrong floor, that's the problem. Take the stairs right up the hall, go down to the first floor, turn to the right, five doors down, and that'll be your class."

"Oh, thank you so much, President! You're the best!"

"But, before you go, I need to know your name first year. I gotta build a relationship with my fellows students according to the past president." I tell her.

"Oh, I'm Kana Sohma."

"Ka...kana Soh...sohma?" I choke.

"Are you alright, President?" She asks.

"Yes. I'm fine! It's just, I have a few friends who are also Sohmas, so...." Shoot. I didn't realize Kana went to this school. And I just met her. 

"Oh, really? Like who?" She asks me. She's so perky. And more like summer than spring. Happy, and bright.

"Hatori Sohma..."

"Oh, I've heard he's a total hottie. I've never met him though."

"Yeah. I mean, sure!" I correct myself. "Well, you better get going, Sohma. Otherwise you'll be late." 

"Just call me Kana, President!" She smiles.

"Yeah. No problem." As soon as she's gone, I dash for the bathroom. I don't know what the heck I'm going to do... but I need to get away from people.

I slam my butt down on a toilet seat and bite down on my hand before screaming into it. This can't happen. Right? I can't, I can't lose him. Not yet. I've only gotten kissed by him, once, and there was NO TONGUE! I've barely gotten to know him! She can't come, and take him!

I try to catch my breath, when I hear muffled sobbing in the stall next to me. Looks like I'm not the only one who's having a horrible first day. "Hey in there, you okay? Do you need something, like a pad, or change of skirt. Or some water?" I knock on the wall.

"No." Someone sniffles. "I'm fine."

"You know, I can hear you. Lying doesn't help your case. It never does." I sigh. 

"I just.... I need a moment." She tells me.

I hear footsteps as she leaves the stall. I get up out of my own, to go see if I can help her. 

"Listen, if you need any help, or anyone to talk to..." I tap my President arm band, "the Student Council has you covered. I promise. Anytime, there's most likely going to be at least one girl there."

"Thanks." She gulps.

"And hey, I'm not having the best first day either. You're not alone." I sadly smile at her. My problem is probably ridiculous compared to her. But, I feel like I'm losing a grip on this wild, wild ride/story.


"I'm Tanaka Hashi, by the way. Student Council President." I tell her.

"Mayuko Shiraki." She wipes her nose with the cuff of her sleeve.

A shiver runs down my spine. I've met both of Hatori's love interests now. And I'm in so much trouble. I'm in SOOO much trouble.

"Here." I hand her a tissue.

"Oh, thanks." The thought that both of these girls are going to my school, while I'm here, is making me want to throw up. Or or......


"Tanaka! Please respond to us!" Saki's voice says.

"I think she's dead." Someone else said.

"I killed her!" Mayuko sounds like she's on the verge of crying.

I open my eyes, my head throbbing. "Wha.... what happened?" 

"SHE'S ALIVE!" The girl who thought I was dead, exclaims.

"You fainted, while you were talking to Shiraki." Saki explains helping me out.

"I'm soo sorry President, this is all my fault!" Mayuko sobs. 

"No. No. Mayuko, it's not your fault I promise." It wasn't her fault completely, part of it was Kana's, part of it was mine, and part of it was also, Hatori's. 

"I've just, I've been going through a lot." I rub my eyes, my head is throbbing like crazy. "Is there any blood?"

"Surprisingly, no." Saki says. "You might have a concussion though, Fuyumi, go get the nurse please."

"Yes Saki!" The girl runs out of the room.

"Mayuko. I promise you, this wasn't your fault. You can leave. I've just been very stressed recently. So...."

"No, I won't leave you President! Not until I'm positive that you are fine, and not hurt." She states. Dang, I never got to know this side of Mayuko in the manga. 

"Oh. Well then. If you insist, and aren't doing this to just skip class." I laugh.

"Oh, class, that's right. I forgot about that." She admits.

"It's fine, I'll vouch for you. Don't worry." I smile.

"Thanks, President."

"I'm not going to be able to get used to everyone calling me President, that's for sure."

"Savor it, you only have one year." Saki teases me.

"I will. I will." I look over at Mayuko and smile at her.

Let him go.  I think. He's not yours to keep. 

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