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(Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄🎁)

Looking around the apartment, Maggie feels off about something. Looking at Glenn, who I laying on the couch reading a book, she can't pin point what's making her feel weird.

"Glenn, what are we doing here?"

"Well, I'm reading and you're sitting there staring at me." He laughs as he turns the page of the World War II book he found.

"No, I mean, what are we doing just sitting around. We should be out finding Beth an Daryl, or heading farther North... we can't stay here forever. The herds are too big."

"Mags, I was actually thinking we could stay...I mean, we can alway clear the lower levels, find seeds to plant on the roof for food. We could stay."

"Yeah, but what about Beth..."

"Honey, Beth's perfectly fine. She has Daryl, and Judith. No trouble can come to her from being with him."

"I'm not worried about her being with Daryl, I'm worried about her being out there."

"Honey, she's fine. Don't stress over them. Oaky? We need you to stay happy and healthy so the baby stays happy and healthy." Glenn closes the book, having given up on the chapter, and sets it on the coffee table.

"You're right....okay. I'm not gonna worry any more."

Across the hallway, Michone sits in the quiet apartment. Carl hasn't left his room since they came down here. It hurts Michone to know his dad is gone. She cares about Rick...maybe even loved him, but she isn't going to let it shelter her from the present. She's worried about Carl and his mental state. He's isolated himself and Michone doesn't have any way to pull him out of it. He's a grenade waiting to go off and that scares her the most.

Going to his door, she knocks on it.

" gonna come out for lunch? I made you a sandwich..." He doesn't answer and it saddens her deeper. She sets the sandwich on it's plate an places it outside his door along with a water bottle. Going to her own room, she sits and cries cause she feels so broken and helpless.

In Tyreese as Carols apartment, both snuggle on the couch together. It's odd for them to feel safe and to feel comfortable sitting this close. She's in between his legs with her back to his chest as they look at out the half opened window.

They would've never dared to sit this close with the others around, but since they're in their own apartment, they can hide behind closed doors.

"Ya know, I haven't felt this in a love time." Carol says as she looks ups at Tyreese.

"I know. It's refreshing and nice." He kisses her grayed hair and then pulls her closer. "Ya know, I'm glad it all worked out for you and I."


"Absolutely. I care about you a lot Carol. I'm glad I found you."

"Tyreese...I don't know hat to say." He turns her to face him and then looks deep in her eyes.

"Them don't say anything...." He kisses her on the lips and she's taken aback by this, but soon kisses back.

Tara and Sasha have been doing nothing but conversing over their pasts for the last two days. Both talk about their families and their old love life's and nothing significant at all. But Tara notices something about Sasha as they sit on the couch.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sasha says. Moving closer, Tara is inches from her, and neither move or speak. Leaning forward Tara presses a kiss to Sasha's lips and Sasha quickly pulls away. "Tara, what are you doing."

"Don't think." Tara says before doing it again, this time putting her tongue in Sasha's mouth. Sasha closes her eyes and eventually kisses back, grabbing gently at Tara's sides and back as they fall to the couch. They continue kissing and rubbing their hands on each other-both feeling something they hadn't in a very long time.

Pulling away to catch their breaths, Tara looks down at Sasha, who has wide eyes. Tara smiles as he rubs her hand up Sasha's side and to her breast. Sasha doesn't flinch or say anything, but does the same to Tara.

"I knew I was right about you." Tara says before kissing her again.


Laying in bed, Beth's dream has turned into a shitty nightmare. She's running as fast as she can, but all she is doing is standing still in one place as the people she loves chase her as walkers. Finally she jerks awake and finds Judith laying next to her and Daryl.

"How did. You get in the bed, Cutie?

"Da-dee." Judy says as she climbs onto Beth's naked stomach. Judith plays with Beth's hair as Beth bounces her up and down on her stomach.

"Daryl, we gotta change to the sheets." Beth sad as she sits up with Judith in her arms.

"Okay. You go change her and I'll change the bedding." He rolls out of bed and Beth just sweetly stands, stark naked with a bit of blood on her as she goes to change Judith and get dressed.

After getting hanged and everything, Beth comes back and Daryl's made the bed with new blankets and sheets. On the pillow, something catches her eye. Going over to it, she finds a ring made from a spoon on the pillow and when she turns around with it in her free hand, she sees Daryl kneeling in the door way. Beth goes to him and hands him the ring.

"Give me yer had baby." He asks and she does. Slipping the ring on, Daryl kisses the back of her hand before standing up.

"Did you make this?"

"Yes. Toon forever, but... well I hope you like it." She reaches up and kisses his face.

"I love it."

Season 5 BethylWhere stories live. Discover now