Chapter 28: The Eclipse Blossom

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I hear a loud CLANG and Lili saying "Shit!" I turn my head to look over at her and see that she's dropped a metal tray of sharp metal instruments (that are probably getting ready for a surgery or something).
"I just sanitised those!"
"You okay Lili?" I ask.
"I would be but I'm too clumsy to even hold a steel plate without dropping it".
"Don't worry, it happens to all of us"
"Oh yeah, well, have you ever been given a tray of serums that are extremely important because we don't have enough supplies to make anymore at this time and drop it as soon as it touched you hands?"
"Haha really?"
"Wow that'd suck. Why couldn't they make anymore?"
"Because most of them are made from a syrup in only one of our genetically modified plants, the Eclipse Blossom"
"And so they couldn't make any because...?"
"Oh right, because it makes a bunch of this syrup only when it blossoms which hence then name, is during an eclipse"
"Oh yeah. Well that kind of sucks"
"Yeah. And a huge problem now is that it's been producing less and less each eclipse. And without the serums, we're in deep trouble"
"Why not just make a bunch of them then?"
"We would but it's been so genetically modified to make more of the syrup that it's DNA aren't pure enough to be cloned. Each time we modify something it's DNA changes and cloning requires close to exact DNA"
"Well then we're in deep shit"
"There's meant to be an eclipse tonight if you want to watch"
"Yeah okay"
"Well go to sleep and I'll wake you up when we're leaving".
"Okay" I say, and close my eyes as Lili leaves the room.

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