The night

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Kaminari's POV

We were all on a field trip and, After a long day of training me and the bakusquad stat down to eat as we stuffed our faces with food, I looked over bakugo's shoulder to see a familiar purple haired girl. "Dude you gotta ask her out already or something" sero says cutting through my thoughts "I cant do that!" I screeched back. "I'll ask her out for you!" Mina's eyes grew wide "No!" The last thing I want is embarrassment. We soon finished our food and walked back to our cabins, my cabin was shared with bakugo, kirishima, jirou, Mina, and finally me. Once we got to our cabin Mina suggested we play Mario cart, after awhile everyone got bored mina then suggested truth or dare but no one played cause we all knew she was gonna make us ask our crush out or something after awhile we decided to play animal crossing

[Time skip: brought to you by fangirling Mina]

Everyone in my cabin was asleep, well at least I thought I stepped out onto the balcony with only one thing on my mind, the one thing that didn't let me sleep "Jirou," I looked at the stars above they were so pretty it reminded me of "Jirou," so pretty, so- just then I heard the door slide open I turn to see "Jirou" she walked next to me
"Pretty, huh" she said as she looked up to the starry sky "Yeah" I said looking at her, she was wearing a tank top and some shorts, "aren't you gonna get cold?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Nah I'll be fine" she said staring into my eyes. A comfortable silence filled the air as we gazed in each other's eyes, without realizing I started to lean forward towards her. The stars above reflected on her eyes making them look like small purple galaxies, I got closer and closer towards her til our noses were practically touching and our lips were next to each other, I kept my gaze glued on her eyes, I could feel her breath against my lips, a visible blush was spread across her face. The silence continued causing both of us to be relaxed I soon rested my forehead on hers as I closed my eyes. We stayed like that for awhile, until I heard a small whimper escape from her lips causing me to open my eyes, she was obviously cold. My hands found their way to her waist and pulled her closer transferring my body heat to her. Her arms made their way up to my shoulder's, my eyes still glued onto her galaxy like ones, our foreheads were still touching so were our noses, her soft pink lips brushing against mine, Everything about her was perfect…. At least to me. From her soft pink plump looking lips to her big beautiful purple eyes her pink cheeks and her soft skin, I wanted this moment to last forever, as the silence of the night continued I kept my eyes locked on her half opened ones she slowly closed them and so did I, As my hands rested on her waist and her hands on my shoulders,the only things we could hear were our soft breaths brushing against each other's lips and the wind ruffling in the trees. We stayed there for what felt like hours until her head slowly backed away, causing my eyes to open. As my gaze fell on to her. She leaned towards my ear and whispered, "We should go to sleep" she said in my ear, I silently nodded as we walked to the slide in door before she opened it she looked at me. "Thank you for tonight" she said gazing into my eyes before turning back and opening the door. As we walked our separate ways…..

Words count: 649
[Sorry its short]

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