Hospital visit

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It's been a couple of weeks since Kaminari decided to help me with my dad's surgery and we almost have enough money to pay for it

Jiro's POV:

"Heyyyy jirooooooooo~!" Mina asks with a cheeky tone "What do you want?" I ask with my usual monotone voice "I've noticed you've been hanging out more and more with kaminari~!" She happily says, As soon as she finished her sentence I could feel my cheeks getting hot "S-So?" I ask with a but of shakiness in my voice  "Soooo~ I dont know are you guys maybe datinggggg~?" she asked giving me a smirk "No!" I say by this point all I had to do is have black eyes slap on a pink wig with horns and boom I'm Mina's twin "Sureeeeee" she states "Were not!.....besides why would he like me...?" I exclaimed as I muffled the last part "Hm? What was that you said?" Mina raised a brow at me "Nothing!" I say as my skin changes to a different shade of pink "Hehehhe I'm just messing with you!" she laughs "Whateverrrrr" I say in a pout "Welp I'm off!" Mina jumps up from the couch "Where you heading you seem happy" I ask concerned "Oh I'm just going on a date" She says happily "Ofc you are where is sero even getting all this money to take you out?" I asked the pink skinned girl "how am I supposed to know?" She looked at me with a grin "Eh whatever I guess I'll just go hang out with kami" I say with a quiet muffled tone "Okie dokie, dont have to much fun~!" She says giving me a playful smirk "Mina! NO!" I screamed while my face was a flushed red "Bye nowwww" She yells exiting the living room I grabbed a pillow and aggressively shoved it in my face containing my frustrated screams

Kaminari's POV:

Ughhhh it's been a long day at work and I finally got back I walk up to my room and change into some more comfortable clothes I place the money I have earned on my desk and I collapsed on my bed looking at my bedroom ceiling I quietly thought to myself about what would happen after we finished paying for jiro's dad's surgery I couldn't wait to see her cheerful smile I love her smile it's so cute God she's gonna be the death of me to bad she only see's me as a friend....Yeah....friends......I thought to myself wishing that she'd return the feeling I share.....But that won't happen......I'm soon interrupted by my thoughts by a lound knock on my door"Who is it??" I call out waiting for a response "Its me jiro!" Her soft yet lound voice said As soon as i opened the door she walks in giving me a humungous hug "Eh-" I shirked at the sudden contact "Oh-Uh-Eh-Um I'm sorry!" She said rubbing the back of her head "No no no! its okay!" I say trying not to make her feel embarrassed "Well I wanted to thank you again for helping me with out you it would've tooken me a lot of time to get enough money for my dads surgery" She says giving me a shy smile I look at her admiring her perfect set of teeth before speaking up "No problem I just want you to be happy!" I say giving her my signature smile She then walks over and sits on my bed "Is there anything you need?" I asked confused but still enjoying her company "Well uh Mina's gone on a date so I wanted to know if you-You wanna hang out?" She asks as soon as she finishes up her sentence my cheeks begin to heat up "Yeah sure!" I say trying to keep it cool "Greattttt" She says "Wanna I dont know play some games?" I asked nervously "Sure!" she said anxiously "Hm something wrong ?" I ask concerned"Eh!-What! No! I'm perfectly fine!" She shouts as her cheeks turn a little red "Are you sure?" I ask again "Yes!" She says a little quieter "Hm? Okay?" I say definitely not believing what she said "Well wanna play some games?" I ask trying to lighten up the mood "heheh sure jamming-whey" She teasingly says

[Time skip: A couple days later]

Jiro's POV:

Today was the day my dad was supposed to get his surgery I hurried along to my closest throwing on a pair of Jean's and a T-Shirt and rushed down to the living room I impatiently waited for kaminari after awhile he finally came down "Took you long enough slow poke" I stupidly say God kaminari your turning me into a idiot "Slow poke is that supposed to be an insult?" He teasingly laughs "Sh-Shut up" I pout "Yeah yea whatever you say!" He says looking over to me "Let's just go!" I grab him by his arm and bust through the door as we made our way to the hospital

[Time skip: at the hospital]

I patiently waited outside the surgery room with kaminari and my mom as we patiently waited for the doctors to finish the surgery.

After what felt like hours they opened the doors My mom was the first to rush up to them "I'd he okay is he awake?!?!" she asked "Hes okay you can go and see him hes awake just dont be to lound" My mom ran into the room leaving me and kaminari there Awkwardly "Well we should go in" He asked breaking the awkward silence "No let them have there moment" I smiled at him trying to hide the blush that crept on my face "Oh okay" he smiled back at me at this point my face was probably the same as kirishima's hair after awhile we knocked on the door and asked if we could enter we walked in and I started to tear up "Dad! are you okay?!?!?" I was very worried about him "I'm fine, just need some time to rest rock star" My dad said giving me a small smile "Anyways who is this?" he weakly asked with a soft voice "Oh uh-This is my friend Denki kaminari he was nice enough to help me get enough money pay for your surgery!" I said nervously "Oh really! is there anything I could do to make it up to you kaminari?" My dad asked the electric quirk user "No it's fine really! I love seeing jiro happy seeing her upset was killing me so I wanted to help!" Kaminari rushed his words I giggled at how fast he was talking it was so....Cute.... "Seriously if you ever need something I can help you" My dad assured kaminari "Its fine" kaminari smiled "Well anyway we should probably let him rest we'll come visit you soon!" My mother said as we all walked out "I'm gonna be right back I have to go to the bathroom" my mother let out "Okay we'll be here" I stated as she walked away as soon as she was out of sight I turned to kaminari and gave him a humungous hug while tearing up "Jiro? are you okay?" He asked me but I didn't respond I just tightened my hug after that it got quiet it wasn't awkward tho it was more peaceful as we just stayed their hugging "Ahem" My mom interrupted the peaceful silence as she gave me a funny look my cheeks started to get red and I wanted to tell her to stop but that'd only make kaminari suspicious "Well let's go you guys have school tomorrow and its pretty late" She says "Y-Yeah" I choke out as I Awkwardly start playing with my Jack's

Kaminari's POV:

"Well its getting late we should probably get up to our rooms and sleep" I Awkwardly burst out breaking the silence "R-Right!" She says putting her hand over her face as if she was trying to hide if from me "Mhm goodnight jiro! I'll see you tomorrow" I say rushing over to the elevator leaving jiro there confused "Goodnight!" She yells back I finally made it back to my room and decided to change once I finished I collapsed on my bed trying to get some sleep but my body wouldn't let me in kept thinking about jiro's smile it was so cute it made me happy to see her smiling I soon drifted into a deep slumber.....

[Word count: 1426]

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