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Jirou's POV

I started to sprint to the girls room after what happened. My thoughts kept playing the moment over and over again as I mentally face palmed. As soon as I get to the girls room I start to gasp for air. I walked in cupping my cheeks I felt like an idiot how was I supposed to face kaminari tomorrow, we almost kissed dammnit, I laid in bed trying to get some shut eye but my heart was practically beating out of my chest. "Do I like him?" I thought to myself dammnit what did I do why didn't he move away. I kept shifting turning right and left trying to sleep but it didnt work soon enough the sun rised meaning it was time to get up. Honestly I couldn't bare to see him "I cant like an idiot" I thought to myself "wait why didn't- why didn't I pull away?! Do I like him?!" My mind swirled with thoughts.

Time skip: by embarrassed jirou

It was time for breakfast and I sat with the girls my mind kept thinking about what happened, No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it off my mind, "kyoka?" Ochako says concerned "yeah ochako?" I ask tilting my head "how was your night you look tired" she says raising a eyebrow "shoot!" I thought to myself
As my cheeks grew bright red "Ummm I-it wa-was nice" I finally blurt out blushing like crazy "Did something happen?" "Are you sick? your face is all red and you haven't touched your food" Ochako asks concerned "I-Im perfectly fine!" I sorta scream. Mina soon butts into my conversation "Are you sure you dont have a crush~" my face is practically redder than kirishima's hair "that-That stupid why would I have a crush?!?!" I blurt out "You suree~" damn Mina why? I thought to myself "I'm fine I just have to go to the bathroom" I stand up and start running towards the exit "Shit" I hate this! Why did that happen I say cupping my cheeks "Ugh" I hate this feeling why do I feel like this I cant possibly like him can I? No kyoka it was just the heat of the moment nothing more I cant like an idiot like him! Besides we're friends it'll be awkward! My cheeks finally turned to their normal color and I walk out of the bathroom only to see kaminari turn the corner "EEP!" I yell ditching back in the bathroom he walks by and I let put a sigh of relief he didn't see me, I thought to myself I make my way back to the girls and sit down "Sooo~ spill who's your crush?~" Mina giggles, my cheeks turn a fainted pink as I turn to the pink looking girl "Mina I dont like anyone!" I yell a little flustered, "Oh come on!" Mina pouts I just roll my eyes at her outburst. After awhile the class stands outside waiting for our homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa gets there and looks at all of us counting "And 20 we have eyeryone" Mr. Aizawa says in a monotone voice "Everyone on the bus" he says almost immediately me and the girls walk on the bus- wait a sec there wasn't a seat for me I could tell that Mina had some how gotten all the girls to sit next to someone but me I look around for an empty seat only two people had empty seats kaminari and Mineta and honestly I'd rather become a blushing mess than sit next to that grape haired pervert. I slumped over into the seat next to kaminari, I glance at him as my cheeks start to heat up he was about to talk before I cut him off "Listen whatever happened yesterday between you and me meant Nothing!" I whispered yelled at him his face went from a smile to a frown before replying "Ok" he simply said before looking out the window "Dammnit this is gonna ruin our friendship I thought to myself Dammnit!, Dammnit!, Dammnit! Then bits of what happened last night started swirling in my mind "Ugh get out of my head!" HE'S NOTHING BUT A FRIEND AND BESIDES HES A DUMBASS I CANT LIKE A DUMBASS, I tried to convince myself. I didn't sleep at all last night I practically had eye bags under my eye bags. After putting my mind to ease I fell asleep.

Kaminari's POV

I knew I shouldn't have done that! SHE FUCKING HATES ME! I thought to myself DAMMNIT! IM SUCH AN IDIOT.... why? Why did I do that now she probably thinks I'm werid, I knew she saw me as a friend but why? Why didn't she pull away? Was it the heat of the moment? is that what kept her from pulling back? That's not the point the point is my crush HATES ME NOW! and there's nothing I can do about it! As my thoughts swirled through my head I felt something hit my shoulder I look to see a sleeping jirou I smile cause of how cute she was but the smile quickly whipped off my face as I remembered her words "Whater happend yesterday between you and me meant Nothing!" Those few words rolled in my thoughts, as moments from last night started to pass in my head as flashbacks...

"Her soft pink lips brushing against mine"

"Her beautiful galaxy looking eyes"

"My hands on her small waist"

"Her hands on my shoulders"

Just the thought of it made a blush creep up on my face
"Psst" I hear a familiar voice say from behind causing me to whip my head around "What do you want mineta?" I ask him "Sorry" he says "Sorry for what," I ask "You have a girl sleeping on your shoulders and that girl doesn't even have a chest?!?! Like how can you be fine with that I would never let that flat chested demon lay on my shoulders" he says shaking his head, just then rage filled my thoughts "Its not like she would even wanna lay on your shoulders!" I snarl back angrily "Who wouldn't" mineta says casually "Fuck off mineta, No one likes you" I say ignoring him. After that he didnt reply so I just let jirou rest on my shoulders...

[Time skip] brought to you by Jamming whey

Jirou's POV

I woke up on kaminari's shoulder luckily he too was also fast asleep, I realize that we have gotten to the UA dorms, I quickly shoved kaminari to wake up which he did but I didn't say a word honestly I felt sad for saying that it meant nothing but it really didn't Or did it? Dammnit what am I thinking I cant like him because he's never gonna like me back, he obviously did that last night cause of the heat of the moment.... it's not like he actually likes me, honestly who would. Why would someone pick me over someone like Momo or Ochako or even Hagakure their all so smart kind and have curves..... and then theirs Me.... who would like someone like me I mean I'm pretty smart but my looks are nowhere near as high as all the other girls... Even hagakure she's prettier than me and shes FREAKING INVISIBLE! "ugh" why do I care I dont need anyone.......

I get off the bus and walk inside the dorms I rush into mine and flop on my bed letting out a sigh, I think I'm just gonna avoid kaminari at all cost, honestly after last night I couldn't even look him in the eyes.....

"His soft lips"

"His happy smile"

"His body warmth"

I felt blood rush to my cheeks, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I thought to myself I cant like him, hes just my friend! Yeah just friends Nothing more.....

Word count: 1321

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