Im sorry

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Denki's POV

I took a deep breath hoping for the best I honestly hoped they believed me I didn't spend a month of dating Akane and torture for nothing.

"Dont worry man" kirishima said looking me in the eyes I could tell he was sure they'd believe us.

"Denkiiii babeeee!!!!" Akane's annoying ass voice said loudly so the rest of the students could hear.

"what do you want"

"What's this aboutttt!!!!"

she blankly stared at me making my sweat turn cold

"Its a little present" I replied smiling at her.

"Okiiiiii! I love youuu" she whispered

I moved up to where bakugo was sitting next to him.


I was so nervous I didn't know what to think everyone kept giving me weird looks and before I knew it the audio recordings started playing.

My heart was pounding louder than the music at a concert as everyone listened to the conversations. some gasps were heard through out the class as I scanned everyone the audios kept recording and more and more people gasped.

But not mina no not her she was straight up giving Akane Rui death stares and jiro had her her leg against the wall looking over putting her earphone Jack's over her neck signaling death.

Everyone else was either recording or watching. a couple minutes soon went by and the audio recordings ended everyone had there eyes fixed on me I didn't know what to say.

"I- uh-" was all I could get out before feeling a hand on my shoulder.

"You see? Denki kaminari my friend...Dunce face... had nothing nor wanted anything to do with Akane instead Akane's been spreading fake rumors to blackmail him hes been having to date her! he didn't want to date her HE HAD TOO." bakugo said out lound as everyone held there heads low looking at the ground ashamed they had believed a no good newbie over their own friend.

But somewhere in this group of people someones heart was aching and it was none other than kyoka jiro's she was furious not just with Akane but with herself she couldn't believe she believed that ugly ass bitch over her boyfriend who would never actually do something like that. Her heart ached in pain she could never bring herself to even talk to kaminari again...Atleast that's what she thought in all honesty kaminari was dying to talk to her hed kill to even see her smile.

Mina on the other hand was every word of angry and ashamed she felt like beating the living crap out of Akane she mentally prepared for it she was just waiting for Akane to say something so ridiculously stupid it'd make her and jiro snap.

"Hahaha! good joke babe!" Akane laughed nervously

"Its not a joke I've exposed you" He smiled as all the other students had there eyes on her in disgust they viewed her as if she was a monster and they weren't wrong at the bottom of her heart all she was is a self absorbed, lying, egoistic, selfish, useless ass bitch. 

"Hahah c'mon were a perfectly happy couple! you dont believe this bullshit right guys????" she asked nervously turning to momo.

the class vice president stayed in her area shaking her head in disbelief.

"Sorry my friend I have had to say you have crossed the line this time" she said stepping back into the crowd some people laughed others stayed quiet

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