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Kaminari's POV:

Me and jiro both decided to walk back hand in hand chatting about what we should do when we get back as the sky turned a pinkish purple soon we made it back "Hey guys!!!! how did it go?" Mina said the second we opened the door "Uh-Em well! uh we're dating" Jiro nervously stated the rest of the class either said "Awwwww" or "Oooooooo~" well except mineta Jiro was just sitting there playing with her Jack's nervously it was adorable "Listen as much as this is happy and all we all must get to sleep we have school tomorrow!" Iida yells making everyone groan in response as everyone started making their ways to there dorms I grabbed jiro's hand "Hm need something?" she asked I gave her a small smile and pulled her into a hug "Goodnight" I said kissing the top of her head she was blushing and it was really cute "S-stop it!" She yelped I complied to what she said and let go of her she the faced me and kissed my cheek "Goodnight pika!" she yelled before making her way to her dorm "Pika huh?" I said to myself well at least that's better than Jamming-Whey I said to myself as I smirked making my way to my own dorm

[The next day]

I woke up to a pillow to the face when I finally realized what happen I was already on the floor "What was that for????" I groaned "You weren't waking up!" Jiro said "And school's about to start!" She proceeds to explain but I didn't really care about what she was saying my eyes were glued to her face she was absolutely beautiful "Hey are you even listening?!" she yells grabbing my attention "Maybe?" I give her a nervous smile she then blushed and said "Whatever let's just get to school!" she yelled "I dont wanna go to schoollllll!" I complained "Well too bad!" We've got to go" She said exiting my dorm I then got up and changed.....
"I'm done!" I say entering the living room seeing that jiro was the only one who waited for me "Goodmorning sleepy head" She giggled noticing how my hair was a mess "Oh be quiet!" I pouted "Whattttt? I think its cute!" she laughed I instantly started to blush "Whatever" I said "We should probably get going before we're late" she suggested "Yeah yeah" I let out She grabs my arm and drags me all the way to the school

[At school]

"I see you two are late" mr. aizawa strictly yells "No no no! it's my fault not hers!" I shouted "Still both of you detention after school" He yelled as we both went to take are seats "Great job Jamming-Whey now we're both in trouble" She muttered "I'm sorry.." I said looking down disappointed in myself before feeling a hand on my back I turned towards jiro "dont be sad it's okay I dont really mind going to detention" she smiled to which made my face just light up "Alright guys!" Mr. aizawa yelled "We'll be having a new student join this class in a couple days" He says with his normal dull voice "I would tell you guys her name but I prefer not to just to make you guys curious" He said with his evil grin "Aww c'mon! please tell us!" Mina begged "No" Mr. aizawa simply yelled "Hopefully she's nice" I heard jiro say "Hopefully she has big boobs!" Mineta drooled "Shut up mineta" Jiro hit him with her earphone Jack's "Ow!" He yelped "You just mad you dont got any!" He spat out the second he finished that sentence my blood started to boil and jiro went quiet "Mineta shut the f*uck up before I punch you!" I snapped "Whatever" he simply said turning his face away this guy- I was about to stand up from my seat to go punch him but then I felt a hand on my arm I turned back to jiro "Thanks." jiro said giving me a small smile I could tell she was upset by Mineta's comment I sat back down and said "Dont let him get to you your perfect the way you" I gave her a small smile She then smiled back and then turned her attention back to the board.

I found myself staring at her the entire class period I just couldn't take my eyes off her and even if I could I wouldn't want to she was just so.....Perfect......At least to me she was "You may leave now" Mr. aizawa says sliding into his sleeping back "Thank god" I groaned "C'mon pika we need to go get lunch" she says putting her hands on her hips "Fineeee" I tiredly groaned "Why are you so sleepy? what did you were you even doing last night?" She asked "I was thinking about you" I say winking at her "Well go to sleep next time" She says grabbing her stuff "See you at luch" She states before walking out of the classroom I soon grabbed all my stuff and made my way before noticing bakugo giving me a look "Uh bakugo?" I asked confused "break her heart and I'll kill you got it!" He angrily spat "Hold up why would I break her heart?" I said confused I would never break her heart I love her too much "Just saying!" Bakugo then walked off I have no idea how kirishima deals with him I say making my way to the cafeteria "Hey jiro!" I say making my way to her "You dont have to call me jiro anymore call me kyoka!" she exclaimed "Fine but call me denki!" I stated "I like pika more!" she protested "Ughhhhhh fineeeeee" I gave in "Thank you!" she said giving me a smile "Okay then nugget" I say smirking at her "Your seriously gonna call me that?" She asks "Yep!" I happily spit out "Whatever" She says turning her phone on and swiping through it "Heyyyyyy!" I muttered "Hm?" she said tilting her head up to face me "Stop being on your phone and give me attention!" I pouted "Why?" She asked "Because I'm your boyfriend and I want attention!" I said acting like a child "We're in public tho" She states "Soooooo?" I asked "If you wait after school we can cuddle" She says smiling "Yay!" I say as my face lights up "Yeah yea" She says turning back to her phone "Hmmpf!" I let out

[After school]

"Kyokaaaaaaaaaaaa" I mumbled "Yes denki?" She said turning to face me "Cuddles now!" I said excitedly "Fineeeee bul let me go up to my room  to change I have stuff to do y'know" She explained "Hmmpf!" I pouted "C'mon stop acting like a babyyyyyyy!" She exclaimed "Nu" I simply said making my way to my dorm "I'll be there in a couple of minutes!" I heard her yell "You better!" I yelled back as I walked up the stairs to my dorm.

Then I heard a knock at my door I walked over and opened it to see jiro in a hoodie and some shorts "Kyokaaaaaaaa you actually did comeeee!" I said happily "Of course I did why wouldn't I?" She asked "Nothing just gimme cuddles!" I begged "Yeah yea whatever" She said as she walked over to me and hugged me which I obviously hugged back not even a couple minutes later we were curled up in the bed cuddling I was so happy to be around her that I guess I didn't hear my door open because I soon noticed a pink looking girl in my room "Mina?!" I screamed tightening my arms around jiro Mina smirked and said "Looks like you two are having fun~!" She exclaimed "Ughhhhh! what do you wantttttt!" Jiro groaned wanting her to leave "I came to tell you that the food was ready" she said "I'm not hungry" jiro said is a tired voice I guess she was sleepy "Yeah yea I see that I'll be leaving now" mina stated "Thank god me and jiro bothe sighed "Not before I do this tho" She quickly takes out her phone and takes a bunch of pictures "Mina!" Jiro yelled as mina ran out the room Jiro just groaned as she rested her head on me again "Your sleepy huh?" I asked noticing how her eyes were shut she then looked up at me resting her chin on my collarbone "Yes and your a great pillow now shush" She said to which I just chuckled at and pecked her lips she then went back to rest her head on my chest as I hugged her eventually we both just fell asleep

[Word count: 1464]

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