What the hell?

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Denki's POV:

I have no idea how you dont know what you did but whatever I'll just tell you maybe it'll refresh your memory


Last night you were with Akane right?


Well I heard this part from the girls but jiro called you and Akane replied saying you were busy

Yea what about it

Why were you SOOOOO BUSY? Hm?

I wasn't actually Akane just said I was I was kinda angry when she said that but I didn't say anything if this is why everyone is angry at me it's kinda stupid

I'm not even finished so be quiet


If your so innocent explain why Akane was going around in the morning telling everyone you kissed her? and that you dont care about jiro


Oh don't act so innocent now!


I'm not saying that you cheated on jiro but am also not saying that you did not

I'm being serious! I really didn't!

Just stop texting me I'm not done being angry at you

Fine but I have one more question!

what is it!?

Where is kyoka?

For one I dont know the only people who knows where she went are the girls and for two even if I did know I wouldn't tell you

Ouch- fine I guess...Thanks anyway...

I cant believe she did that! I was so angry I couldn't just go to bed know what she had done I stormed out of my room making my way towards Akane's before bumping into a familiar blonde headed boy "Bakugo" I called out and he turned go me "Pleaseeee you have to believe me! I swear I didn't do anything!" I begged "I know you didn't idiot your not the type to pull some twisted shit like that" He snapped back "Then why didn't you wanna talk to me???" I asked "I still cant prove that you didn't do it and until then I didn't wanna be bothered" he shouted "But I didn't do anything!" I shouted back "I know idiot I just have no idea how to prove your fucking innocent and if I find out if you did do something like that I wont hesitate to break you so shut up and follow me" he said walking as I followed we soon got to his room and we sat down in the chairs "What happened yesterday!? I want to hear all of it..."

Jiro's POV:

"Are you okay jiro?" Mina asked "Jesus I dont know my boyfriend just cheated on me with my cousin! I'm perfectly fine!" I sarcastically said "C'mon jiro hes just a dumbass! you dont need him!" Mina spat out "I know  I dont! but for one moment in my life I actually thought I did" I mumbled "I know what you mean and dont worry you'll find someone better!" Mina continued "Whatever" I said holding back my tears I hated crying in front of people especially if it was for a stupid boy "We should probably give jiro some space" Tsu said from the corner "Yeah" mina said walking towards the door and leaving with the rest of the girls while momo stayed behind "So when are you going to break up with him?" she asked "What do you mean?" I said tilting my head "You haven't officially broken up with him you guys are basically just not on talking terms" She stated "I know but I dont wanna see him so just tell him to leave me alone he'll get the hint eventually right?" It hurt saying those words but I honestly didn't want to even see him "I understand bye" momo said walking out the dorm as I laid in my bed lost in thought

Denki's POV:

"So yeah thats what happened" I mumbled "So she kept asking you why you liked jiro so much?" bakugo said raisingan eyebrow "Mhm" I responded "Shes a bitch" Bakugo sighed "I know.." I spat "Where were you going when you bumped into me?" Bakugo asked "I wanted to confront Akane about it I needed to know why the fuck she was spreading false rumors!" I spat bakugo then looked at me "Go to her room and ask her I need you to tell me what she says" He says looking very serious "okay" I mumbled walking out of his room I slowly made my way towards Akane's room I was so angry and before I knew it I was there I was about to knock on her door when it opened "I knew you were gonna be coming!" Akane said with a smile that had sinister all over it she then grabbed my hand and dragged me in her room locking her door "Your fucking crazy!" I spat out "Awww c'mon dont be so mean!" she said "Drop the act!" I snapped "Fine..." She said losing her act "Why the hell are you spreading these damn rumors?!" I asked "Isn't it obvious? I want you... and I know you want me too..." She said with a wide smile "What the fuck?! no I dont! The only person i want is kyoka!" I spat out "Hahahah now here's the deal my dear" She said making shivers go down my back "within the next 3 days if you dont break up with her I'm going to continue spreading rumors about you!" she said laughing "you think those rumors are gonna ruin my life theres no way you can prove that those rumors are right!" I spat "True but you cant prove there wrong either" she laughed again as much at I hated to admit it but she was right "And besides your reputation is ruined it's not like anyone will believe you" She said and I hated the fact that she was right "And if those rumors dont scare you enough I can always find a way to permanently remove you from this school I dont think you'd like your dreams being crushed huh?" She said smiling "And honestly I dont care if shes the one to break up with you I just dont want you two together" she sat down on her bed "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed "Oh nothingggg I just want you to myself and dont worry I'll be sure to invite jiro to OUR wedding" She said excitedly "What the fuck I dont even like you" I spat "Well that's to bad your gonna have to date me If you'd like to stay in this school that is..." she said "Well I'm not breaking up with jiro I cant do that!" I spat out "Well then...jiro's breaking up with you" She said grinning "...I hate you..." I said turning my back walking out "Love you toooo!" She said as I slammed the door....

[Word count: 1200]

I might make another kamijiro story after this-
kamijiro is my favorite ship so if I do continue to use wattpad I'm probably gonna have A LOT of kamijiro stories

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