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Kaminari's: POV

Everytime I try to talk to jirou she ignores me unless it's for work she also seems to be sad wonder what's wrong with her maybe I should ask her cousin

Kaminari: Hey I've got a question....

Akane: What's up?

Kaminari:  Umm do you know what's wrong with jirou she's been sad lately

Akane: ...I dont know if she wants me to tell you...

Kaminari: Please! I want to make her happy again I'll do anything to see her smile!

Akane: Well since your like her best guy friend I guess I could tell you.......her parents were in a car crash and her mom's just fine but her dad needs surgery and her mother cant afford it and that's why jirou's been working at the cafe...

Kaminari:...that's why... I'm sorry for asking

Akane: it's okay I kinda wish she was happy again aswell...anyways I have a question

Kaminari: yeah?

Akane: do you like jirou?

Kaminari: is it that obvious?!

Akane: Well...yeah...

Kaminari: I've liked her for awhile but I'm not sure is she likes me back

Akane: Well when it comes to her your never really sure

Kaminari: yeah...

Akane: Well I got to go bye!

Kaminari: bye

So that's what's been bugging her but that still doesn't explain why she's been ignoring me. Honestly I felt bad for her...that's it I cant handle her being sad its heart breaking I got up from my bed and left my room running towards jirou's room I soon was stopped by a familiar blonde "Oi, where do you think your going Dunce face?" Bakugo said staring at me "To jirou's room I looked at the blonde "No your not" he grabbed my shirt and dragged me to his room "Wha-the hell" I yelled as I am thrown inside I looked around to spot Mina and Sero "What do you guys want?" I asked trying to sound calm "I just want to say I'm sorry for acting the way I did" Sero said looking up at me "Same here" Mina said looking at the ground I stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking "Fine I forgive you guys" I said putting a hand on my neck "Yay!" Mina lit up as she hugged me I had and annoyed look plastered on my face I was planning on hugging someone but that person was not Mina "Thanks man" Sero high fived me after Mina let go "Now the squads back!" Kirishima gave a toothy grin "Yeah..." I said "now can I go" I say as I noticed it was already 1:30am "Finesse!" Mina pouted "well I guess I'll go to sleep" I said exiting Bakugo's room "wait" bakugo said behind me as he shut the door behind him so no one can hear us "Yeah?" I asked "Why did you wanna go talk to earlobes" he asks "Her cousin told me about how her parents had gotten in a car crash..." I said "So I'm not the only one who knows" bakugo said staring at me "Tell anyone else and I'll blast your ass to hell!" Bakugo yelled "Got it!" I said terrified "Anyways if your gonna check on her check on her either after work or before not now it's too late she's probably asleep!" Bakugo scolded "Okay" I said staring at the blond I walked back to my room in defeat and sat on my bed staring at the ceiling until I drifted to sleep...

[Time skip: next day after school]

I walked into the dorms exhausted I soon noticed jirou walking upstairs I quickly followed her she went in her room and closed the door I was about to knock on it before my thoughts interrupted me should I do this now? I can do this later ugh I dont know! I thought as I quickly ran from the door to my dorm I quickly flopped on my bed Idiot, idiot, idiot I thought to myself ughh why, why did I run?! I need a plan how about I talk to her tonight and bring her outside so she can relax a bit or will that be to cliche, whatever it's not like I'm confessing my love for her I cant do that I just want her to relax a little bit and be able to open up to me I mean she has been ignoring me for awhile now so it'll be nice for her to open up a bit, I thought as I stared to the ceiling. After awhile I walked downstairs to see that all the guys were hanging out "hey guys" I said happily "Oh hey Denki!" Kirishima said happily I sat down next to kirishima "So what are you guys talking about?" I asked "Well, were talking about our crushes" Sero said "That sounds like something the girls would do" I said loudly "Yeah I know but anyways its Midorya's turn "We-well I like uraraka" he said covering his face with his hand "I KNEW IT!" Kirishima laughs "Anyways it's my turn" todorki interrupts "I dating Momo" he says blankly staring at us "How about your Ojiro" Kirishima asks "Oh I like tooru" he says putting a hand on his neck "What about you kirishima" Ojiro asks "I'm gAy!" Kirishima states "And I like bakugo!" Kirishima proudly says "Anyways tokoyami" he says pointing to the bird like boy "I'm dating Tsuyu" tokoyami stated "WAIT HOW COME WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS?!?!" kirishima yells "Because me and tsuyu dont like a lot of attention, anyways how about you kaminari" the bird like boy points to me trying to avoid the attention "Oh-uhh-I like jirou" I said nervously "I KNEW IT!!!" Midoriya screams in happiness "Shut it!" I yelled "Fine!" Kirishima stuck his tongue out at me I playfully elbowed him "Anyways who's making dinner I'm hungry!!" Kirishima complained luckily momo overheard this "I can order pizza" Momo offered "YESSSSSS YOUR THE BEST!" everyone screamed Momo soon got on the phone and ordered 4 boxes of pizza two of which were pepperoni and the other cheese we all stayed in the living room excited for the pizza to come. After awhile of waiting the pizza finally came and we all stuffed our faces "Leave at least two slices for kyoka since she's at work!" Momo warned I knew that if I didnt put two slices in a container someone would have eaten them I quickly grabbed a container and put one cheese and one pepperoni pizza in for jirou I the walked away and sat on the couch stuffing my face with pizza. Eventually everyone started to go back to there dorms since it was 9:00 and we had school tomorrow I walked up to my room and laid in my bed waiting til 11:00 soon enough the clock hit 11:15 meaning jirou was probably in her dorm I got out of my bed and made my way to jirou's door I hesitated before finally knocking "Hello it's me kaminari" I said my voice sounding a little nervous "What do you want?" Jirou asked "I wanna talk" I answered "Well I dont so go away" she said a little sadness in her voice "Please jirou I'm not gonna leave this door until we talk" I said silence fell upon us until I heard a click I noticed jirou opened the door I quickly pulled jirou into a hug and she pushed me off "What do you want?!" She said angrily I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of her room to which she just yelled at me I finally got outside and sat down in a chair she sat down next to me "I want to know why you've been ignoring me!" I said with a bit of shakiness in my voice she just looked at the ground silently then got up to leave I quickly chased her before she got inside I grabbed her hand and spun her so that she was facing me I cupped her cheek so that she was staring at me, this entire week she's been avoiding eye contact so it was nice to see her beautiful lavender eyes her eyes shimmered with the dark sky I then asked again as I felt a blush creep up on my face "Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked again she tried to look anywhere but my eyes. She finally gave in "I have too much stuff going on in my life" she said putting her hand on mine shoving it away from her face as she blushed "Jirou-" I started but got cutt off "Just let me explain!" She groaned covering her face with her hands she walked past me and sat down on the couch I sat next to her "Ever since camp I've been scared to talk to you...because of what happened and if that's not bad the next day I get a call from my mom saying that my dad needs fucking surgery-" she begins to cry I didnt know what to do so I acted on impulse I quickly wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed "Shhshh I'm here" I said trying to comfort her she dug her head into my chest and kept crying she then continued"A-and to-to be t-t-told that-that she-she ca-ca-cant af-aford the-the sur-surgery, just-just bro-broke me-me" she stuttered as she tried to wipe away her tears I put my hand on her cheek forcing it to face me her eyes were red from crying I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed it to my chest letting her cry as I hugged her she hugged me back sobbing we just stayed like that for awhile until she backed away wiping her eyes "Thanks pikachu" she said with a small smile "Jirou you know your like my bestfriend you can tell me anything" I reassured her "I know" she said "Now can you answer my last question" I asked a bit hesitant "Yeah?..." she asked nervously "How much does the surgery cost?" I asked waiting for a reply "5000" she said looking at the ground "I'm gonna help you save up" I said giving her a smile "What do you mean?" She asks "where do you think I go on the weekends?" I say giving her a smile "I thought you went to bars" she said "Rude! I have a weekend job" I tell her "Wait this is my problem not yours you don't have to do this!" She protested "No I insist I have money in my room from that I've saved up I want to give it to you" I said with a big grin "No that's your hard work! I dont want you to waste it on me" she protested "belive me I'm not wasting it cause in the end you'll be happy and that's all I want" I said giving her a small smile "Sh-Shut up!" She screamed her face was flustered "I refuse to take the money" she protested I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room "Let meeeee goooooooooo!" She pouts "Nope" I said with a sly grin as we near my room I walk in pulling her with me I let go of her closing my door I get up to my cabinet and open it reveling some money I quickly pick it up and hand it to her "Its all yours now!" She looks at me blankly before giving me a big hug "Thanks kaminari!" She happily whispered "Its no problem" I say placing my hand on the back of her head her hair was soft and silky. After awhile she let go thanking me once more before walking out of my room "Thanks kaminari, we should probably get to sleep" she said looking over at th clock she then opened the door "Its no problem, goodnight jirou" I said as she walked out closing the door behind her I let out a sigh of relief atleast she didn't kill me for being so noesy, but I had to know why she's been ignoring me....

Jirou's: POV

Jesus I have no hope my crush on kaminari is almost as bad as Uraraka's crush on Midorya, I thought to myself I opened the door to my room and to my suprise I saw Mina sitting there with a sly grin on her face "Wai-What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked she looked as if she'd been waiting for me for hours "Well, I may have or may have not seen kaminari drag you into his room!" She exclaimed "Okay creepy" I said teasingly "Did anything spicy happen~" she winked at me "What do you mea-Wait a se-NO MINA NO!" I yelled "C'mon I want all the details!" Mina bugged "NOTHING HAPPENED!" I screamed once again "Fine but you owe me a gummy bear bag!" Mina pouted "Wait what? Why?" I stared at her "Cause I'm the one who made you realize your feelings for kaminari!" Mina simply said "That wasn't a good thing!" I snarl back "I dont care!" Mina pouts "Fine! Fine I'll get you stupid gummys just get out of my room" I shoe'd her away "Fine but this conversation is not over!" She screamed walking out of my room "Shut it mina!" I yelled back before collapsing on my bed I guess work really did take a chunk of my energy I say while placing the money I had in my hand on my table after I looked up at the ceiling trying to drift asleep but I couldn't my thoughts were clouded and I couldn't think strait so I just laid there wide awake......

Word count: 2319

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