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Kaminari's: POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock I sit up from  my bed and stared to get ready, we had no school today so I just put on my clothes, I wonder what everyone is doing today I pull out my phone to see if anyone wanted to hang out after texting everyone in the bakusquad I text my other friends, but they were all busy with their girlfriends or something I then decided to text jirou but she didn't reply. Weird I thought to myself I leave my room and walk to the main area to see jirou on her phone. That's weird I asked her if she wanted to hang out and she hasn't responded, yet she's on her phone I walk over to the couch "Hey jirou" I give her I smile. Hopefully she's forgotten about what happened a couple of days ago even though I still like her I wanna be able to be friends and hangout like friends again but before I could finish what I was thinking jirou gets up and walks away, She didn't even say Hi back rude! Jirou is a M O O D I thought while walking to the kitchen I guess I'll make myself some food. After everyone except jirou comes down for breakfast "Wheres kyoka?" Ochako asks concerned "Honestly I don't know, she probably just doesn't want to eat right now" I say nervously "Your probably right" Momo says casually as we finish up breakfast I walk back upstairs knowing that today's gonna be a very boring day since all my friends are not available or didn't reaspond to me an Idea pops into my head as I walk to the main area I see jirou leave. Humm why is she leaving? I thought to myself before resting on the couch

Jirou's: POV

I get to the cafe I recently started to work at, when I get there I'm greeted my my cousin Akane "Hi kyoka!" She smiles "Hey Akane!" I smile back as I get to work "Goodmorning kiddo" my aunt says with a smile "hey" I say giving her a smile "Well Akane will give you the directions to work" my aunt explains "Oh okay!" I say giving her a smile as I walk over to Akane "Heyy kyoka!" She says with a huge smile "Hey Akane!" I say back "So let's start, basically just ask someone for their order and then tell me watch me the first few times than do it yourself okay?" Akane asks "Okay" I say with my face full of determination " we begin to work and I walk up to the customer "Hello what can I ge-"  is all I can say before the dude looks me up and down before talking "give me the other girl she's hot" he says pointing to my cousin jeez I know I didnt know this guy but it still hurt "Excuse me! ARE YOU CALLING MY BEAUTIFUL CINNAMON ROLL OF A COUSIN UGLY!?" Akane screams at the man "the man looks at her and I just roll my eyes "So your yelling at me for not liking her" he points to me jesus It was my first day and something already happened my life is a rollercoaster ugh. "Excuse me what's happening" I hear a familiar voice ask pushing the man to the side "Kaminari!" I yell shocked "Oh hi jirou!" He says with his signature smile I roll my eyes "Well this man is basically calling kyoka ugly!" Akane glares at the man. Kaminari looks at me then the man before finally speaking "Guys like you are never gonna find anyone!" He simply says  the man shrugged and walked off "Sorry about that" Kaminari gives me an apologetic smile " its alright" I say looking at the floor "Anyways what would you like?" I ask keeping my gaze to the ground I couldn't bare to look him In the eyes without blushing "Oh can I get one hot chocolate?" He asks, I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't dare look up I nodded and got his drink and passed it to him "Thanks jirou!" He says as I hear him walking away, I let out a sight of relief, as I hear him leave the store "Who was that?" Akane asks "Oh that was kaminari hes in the same class as me" I say giving a grin "He was hot can you give me his number?" Akane asks happily "ask him yourself" I laugh "Oh come on! Please" she begs "Akane just ask him next time he comes, now that he knows I work here he's probably gonna come more frequently" I say with a little bit of jealousy "Finesse" she pounts I let out a small chuckle but in honesty I felt my heart drop to my stomach, why did I feel this way? I cant possibly like him, Can I? No kyoka he would obviously choose any other girl but me, I said to myself
" Hello kyoka!, you there?" Akane asks interrupting my thoughts "Oh I'm fine let's get back to work!" I said kicking the thought to the back of my head.

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