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Kaminari's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and quickly rushed to change as soon as I finished I rushed my way downstairs to get some breakfast "Goodmorning kaminari" Iida said waving his robotically like hands "Goodmorning man" I say in a sleepy voice as I pull out a mug from the cabinet and made myself some chocolate milk sooner or later the class has begun to come out of their rooms and make themselves breakfast my heart immediately started beating faster the second I saw jiro emerge from the hallway her hair was so messy and she looked super tired it was really cute "Hey kaminari" she yawned "Hey Jiro!" I say in cheerful tone "Can you pass me a cup?" She says pointing to the cabinet she was to short to reached she'd usually use her earphone Jack's to get stuff but I was in the way "Oh sure thing" I extended my arm and grabbed her a mug giving it to her after "thanks" she mumbled tiredly before making herself coffee Mina was practically muttering in the corner I leave the kitchen and go to hang out with the rest of the guys "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully "What's up man!" Kirishima said giving me a toothy grin "Can you and jiro get together already its fucking killing me!" Bakugo angrily snarled"W-What do you mean?" I nervously ask as my cheeks turn to different shades of pink "You know what I mean!" He looks over my shoulder to jiro at the table drinking her coffee "I literally have no idea what you mean" I exclaimed trying to keep my cool "Everyone we'll be gathering up at the door to leave for school let's go!" Iida loudly yelled I quickly made my way to the door seeing that all my other classmates were doing the same.....

[At school]

"Pssttt, Jiroooooo" I whispered trying not to disturb the tired man teaching the class she quickly turned her head to me and asked "Yeah?" She let out a whisper "I'm bored!" I groaned "Of course you are" She says in her usual monotone voice "Yeah yeah whateverrrrrrrrr" I say annoyingly "wanna hang out later I guess? I ended up quitting my job since we already paid for his surgery" She asked "Uh yea sure! I'd love too!" I say cheerfully "Uh okay!" She says nervously "Is something wrong?" I ask looking to see that she was the color of kirishima's hair "Uh-Em-Im fine!" she shouts "Oh okay?" As soon as I finished my sentence the bell rings and she rushes out of the classroom Weird....I thought to myself before rudely getting slapped on my back "Your a fucking idiot man" Bakugo angrily snarls "What?!?! what did I do?!?!" I ask confused "She fucking likes you are you that fucking blind!?" He snaps back "Wha-No she doesn't!" I tell him not trying to believe what he said I didn't want get my heart broken "Your so clueless!" He states "I'm so confused" I state looking at bakugo "You guys are hopeless" he says before heading off leaving me confused in the class

Jiro's POV:

Oh god hopefully the girls didn't hear me ask kaminari if he wanted to hang ou- "JIROOOOOO~!" Mina yelled excitedly Oh god- I thought to myself "Yes Mina?" I ask in the calmest voice possible "I heard you asked kaminari to hang out with youuuuu~!" She happily said "S-so we're just friends!" I said with a bit of hesitation in my voice "You guys are literally soooo oblivious it's making me wanna break your bones" She states "C'mon Mina why would he like me?" I asked in a sad tone "He just does! c'mon if you ask him out when you hang out with him later he'll definitely say yes!" She protested "No he wont" I said not wanting to believe her "Yes he will!" She pressed "How are you so sure?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Uh-I just know!" She nervously exclaimed "Ughhhhhh why do I have to ask him out tho?" I asked "Cause hes a scardy cat and a loser who doesn't know how to ask out a girl he likes" She simply says "But-Hes asked out so many people before what's the difference with me, besides the people hes asked out were so much prettier than I am there's no way he fall for someone this low" A sadly answer "What do you mean they're prettier?" She gives me a frown "I mean I'm not really what I would expect he wants in a girl" I shouted nervously "Wants in a girl?" She asks kind of confused by my statement "Its just...I dont think I'm his type" I let out trying not to cry I did want her to see me cry "What do you mean?" Mina asked concerned "Well wouldn't he like girls with a slim waist and big chest? and girly? Stuff like that" I choked out "Oh I see what you getting at" She says putting her hand on my back "Jiro you shouldn't feel like everyone is prettier than you because of stuff like that it's not good to compare yourself to others" She sighed "I know" I practically choked on my words "I know kaminari likes you and let me tell you he doesn't like you for your looks although he thinks your really pretty he likes you for your personality" She said giving me a small smile "Personality my ass!" I heard a familiar voice say "Fuck off mineta" Mina defends "Its okay mina I'm used to it" I say standing up from the position I was in "All I need in a girl is big breast and big butt!" the little pervert yells "And you obviously dont have that" he snarls "Mineta I swear to fucking god go away!" Mina yelped "What the hell is going on here?" Denki asked as he turned the corner to see mina yelling at mineta and me on the verge of tears "Whatever I'll be leaving!" Mineta states before turning the corner "Hey jiro are you okay?" He asks staring at me "I-Erm-Eh yeah I'm fine!" I looked down so he wouldn't see my watery eyes, but that just made him get closer to me mina just watched us hoping that we'd kiss but that was obviously not gonna happen "Hey you know you can tell me anything right?" he asked I could feel his gaze on me although I never looked up "mhmm" I said not wanting to sound sad "Fine but your gonna tell me what happened later" He said quietly I quietly stood there as he walked off thinking about what I was gonna do later today "He obviously likes youuuuu! c'mon please ask him out!" She pleaded "....I'll think about it..." I let out before dashing away leaving mina confused in the hallway I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked the door

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