bad feeling

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Jiro's POV:

It's been a couple of days since denki and I started dating and the new student is supposed to be coming to our school after tomorrow....

"Kyoka?" I heard momo say slapping me back to reality "Huh!?" I mumbled "You've been staring at your food for the past 3 minutes are you okay?" She asked concerned "Oh yeah! I was just thinking!" I sped through my words "Hm okay" she says turning her head back to her food I quietly began to eat knowing that I'd have to go to sleep in a bit "Heyyyyyy~!" Mina says peeking her head around the corner like the little weirdo she is "Oh god- What do you want?" I say giving her a dull expression "Oh I dont knowwwwwww" She said batting her eyes innocently "Quit the act what do you want?" I said "Oh I just need you and kaminari to have kids" she says like it's the most normal thing on earth I spat out my drink the second she finished that sentence "Nope! not happening" I declined "Whyyyyyy?" she pouted "BrUh" I let out "Everyone be quiet and go to bed its curfew!" Iida yelled for once I was actually glad of his screaming for once I quickly finished up my meal and washed my plate making my way upstairs I rushed in my form and collapsed on my bed in Hope's of sleeping but something kept me up I had no idea why but I did not have a good feeling about the "new" girl I didn't even know her! or at least I think I didn't know her I just didn't like her my gut was telling me not to trust her one bit I was so confused I laid there awake lost in thought until I finally drifted to sleep

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock I shut it off and changed for school I walked to denki's room knowing he was probably asleep I walked in and there he was sleeping like a little kid he looked adorable but I had to wake him "Denki! wake upppppp!" I yelled He sat up as quickly as possible "I'm up!" He exclaimed "Just get dressed for school I said turning my my body walking towards the door "Goodmorning Kyoka" I heard momo say "Oh Goodmorning" I replied "I see you had to wake him up again" she pointed to kaminari's door "Yep he can never wake up on time" I joked "You got that right" she laughed I still couldn't help but have a bad feeling about this "New" girl I didn't know if I should tell momo about it "Jiro?" Momo said "Hm?" I asked "Sorry you looked distracted" She said "Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking!" I said rubbing the back of my neck before feeling arms around my waist I looked up to see Denki "Took you long enough" I laughed "Yeah yeaaaa" He said pecking at my lips "What are you guys talking about?" He asked with his a smile "Oh nothing important" Yaoyorozu replied "Oh okay" he said still not letting me go I didn't mind though "Well we should probably get downstairs" Momo said "Mhmm" I mumbled as a response "We should probably get downstairs" Momo exclaimed "Mhmm" I replied as all three of us made our way downstairs "Goodmorning guys" Iida said as we made it to the bottom floor "Goodmorning" I yawned while going to serve myself some orange juice as soon as I finished pouring it into a cup I saw a hand snatch the cup "Denki!" I yelled noticing he was drinking my orange juice "sorry nugget I'm thirsty" He chuckled while taking another sip "Heyyyyy!" I yelped as he just laughed "Whatever I'm not gonna cuddle you anymore" I said crossing my arms and looking the other way "You cant do that!" he said "Yes I can!" I said turning my back to him I could her momo giggle in the distance I then felt hands wrap around my waist I looked up and saw denki looking down at me "Pleaseeeeeee! I'm sowwyyyy!" He begged "Tch" I let out not wanting to give in yet "Pweaseeeeeeeeee!" He begged "Fine" I let out "Yay!" He yells "Just shhhhhh I have to pour myself another cup of orange juice now" I complained "C'mon! I'm sorry!" He pleaded "I already said your forgiven!" I replied "Alright guys it's time to leave!" Iida strictly yelled "Ughhhh" I slumped my body "I'm sorryyyyyy! I'll buy you something at school!" Kaminari said rubbing the back of his neck "Fine" I let out I couldn't stay mad at him even if I wanted to "Thank youuuu!" he said giving me a smile "Mhmm yeah yea" I said grabbing my bag "We should probably go now" momo cutting into the conversation "Mhmm" I mumbled as a response

When we got to school I instantly got to my desk there was6that many people in class a the moment just momo todoroki and a few others "Hey babe?" I heard kaminari's voice call "Hm?" I say turning my attention back to him "I bought you this" He said handing me a muffin and a chocolate milk I look up at him "Thank you!" I yelled standing up and giving him am enormous hug "Sorry for stealing your orange juice" he apologized hugging me back "Its okay" I reassured him "thank youuuuuu" he said as I munched on my muffin "Awwww" mina let out as she walked through the door "Oh God-" I said but it was muffled "Soooooooo~ when are the babies coming~?" She asked as I practically choked on my muffin "PFFFFT! look at your faces!" Mina laughed "Oh shut up!" me and Denki yelled in fusion Mina could be so dirty minded sometimes I have no idea how sero deals with her "You two are soooo cuteeee!" she cries out "yea yeah whatever" I said crossing my arms "Everyone get to your seats it's time for class" a sleepy looking man said slipping out of his yellow sleeping bag

??? POV:

"step one get into class 1-A completed, I'm one step closer to stealing my sweet kaminari from that brat...She should've chosen a better place to confess I just happened to walk past them in the park while she was confessing and boy is she gonna regret it"

Kaminari's POV:

"Ughhhhh class was boringgggg!" I complained to jiro aka the best girlfriend ever "Of course it was your always bored" She laughed "Hey!" I pouted "Hey stop giving me that face I was only joking!" She said looking up at me "Mhmm sureeeee" I said smirking at her "Heyyyyy!" she shouted "Yeah yeah whatever wanna go eat lunch outside?" I asked "Sure" she simply replied I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside we both had our lunches luckily not a lot of students were put there so me and jiro were able to have a peaceful lunch for once "So why did you wanna come eat out here instead of the cafeteria?" she asked taking her chopsticks to her bento "Cause its peaceful and it's been awhile since we've hung out just the two of us" I said resting my head on her shoulder "Its kinda funny tho your not peaceful at all crazy is the word that fits you" She joked I lifted my head from her shoulder and faced her "Hey!" I yelled "See? you yell to much" she said giving me a small giggle which just killed my heart I grabbed her cheek making her face me and leaned in for a kiss but I soon was stopped by the smell of food go up my nose I opened my eyes to see that she had grabbed some sushi and placed it in front om my mouth I quickly chomped down on it as she giggled "I just wanted a kiss" I complained "Cheer up you big baby" she said grabbing another sushi roll with her chopsticks and munching down on it "Whatever" I pout in that moment I wanted to be a pair of chopsticks we soon finished eating and rested on each other shoulders chatting about class when I asked the question "Are you excited about the new kid coming tomorrow?" I asked as she went silent for a second "I dont have a good feeling about the new kid-" she said "Hm? why not?" I asked "I honestly don't know-" she admits "Hmm that's weird" I let out "It is" she said staring at me
I couldn't help it she was so cute I grabbed her chin and tilted it up leaning in for a kiss my lips soon met hers and I pressed against them which she obviously did the same her hands wrapped around my neck deepening the kiss my hands heavily rested on her hips soon enough the bell rang meaning it was time to head to class again as soon as I opened my eyes after our lips parted I saw a pink face this time it wasn't Mina's but instead it was jiro's she was so red from a single kiss it was absolutely adorable.....

[Word count: 1546]

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